Josef Hadipramana
Josef Hadipramana
Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara
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Pendampingan Legalitas Mutu Berstandart SNI Guna Meningkatkan Pendapatan Home Industri Batu Bata Di Desa Sido Urip Kecamatan Beringin Kabupaten Deli Serdang.
S Frapanti, S Asfiati, J Hadipramana
JURNAL PRODIKMAS Hasil Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 5 (2), 111-115, 2020
Pozzolanic characterization of waste Rice husk ash (RHA) from Muar, Malaysia
J Hadipramana, FV Riza, IA Rahman, LY Loon, SH Adnan, AMA Zaidi
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 160 (1), 012066, 2016
Effect of uncontrolled burning rice husk ash in foamed concrete
J Hadipramana, AAA Samad, AZ Ahmad Mujahid, N Mohammad, FV Riza
Advanced Materials Research 626, 769-775, 2013
Contribution of polypropylene fibre in improving strength of foamed concrete
J Hadipramana, AAA Samad, AMA Zaidi, N Mohammad, N Ali
Advanced Materials Research 626, 762-768, 2013
Perbandingan Simulasi Gaya Aksial dan Lateral Plain Wall Beton Ringan antara Campuran Styrofoam dengan Lapisan Coating dan Abu Sekam Padi Dengan Fly Ash
J Hadipramana, J Syahputra
Program pendampingan remaja terhadap dampak teknologi digital terhadap gaya hidup di Desa Sidodadi Ramunia, Kabupaten Deli Serdang
J Hadipramana, A Aguslinar, DN Pratiwi, NW Ginting
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kewirausahaan 1 (1), 378-383, 2019
Development of green concrete from agricultural and construction waste
AAA Samad, J Hadipramana, N Mohamad, AZM Ali, N Ali, GW Inn, KF Tee
Transition Towards 100% Renewable Energy: Selected Papers from the World …, 2018
Preliminary study on lightweight concrete under ballistic loading
JH Pramana, AA Samad, AMA Zaidi, FV Riza
European Journal of Scientific Research 44 (2), 285-299, 2010
Potential Mixture of POFA and SCBA as Cement Replacement in Concrete–A Review
N Ali, MHAM Sobri, J Hadipramana, AAA Samad, N Mohamad
MATEC Web of Conferences 103, 01006, 2017
Fresh state and mechanical properties of self compacting concrete incorporating high volume fly ash
N Mohamad, MS Zulaika, AAA Samad, WI Goh, J Hadipramana, ...
MATEC Web of Conferences 47, 01001, 2016
Microstructure and interface analysis of glass particulate reinforced aluminum matrix composite
SB Jamaludin, J Hadipramana, MFM Wahid, K Hussin, A Rahmat
Advanced Materials Research 795, 578-581, 2013
Performance of non-priority intersections under mixed traffic conditions based on conflict streams analysis
J Prasetijo, N Wu, K Ambak, ME Sanik, BD Daniel, J Hadipramana
Transportation in Developing Economies 2, 1-9, 2016
Influence of Polypropylene Fiber in strength of foamed concrete
J Hadipramana, AAA Samad, ZJ Zhao, N Mohammad, W Wirdawati
Advanced Materials Research 488, 253-257, 2012
Performance of connected precast lightweight sandwich foamed concrete panel under flexural load
N Mohamad, AAA Samad, N Ali, J Hadipramana, N Jamaluddin
Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 75 (9), 2015
Improving the airport operation and environmental quality at small airports in indonesia
SA Adisasmita, J Hadipramana
International Journal of Sustainable Construction Engineering and Technology …, 2011
An exploratory compressive strength of concrete containing modified artificial Polyethylene aggregate (MAPEA)
J Hadipramana, SN Mokhatar, AAA Samad, NFA Hakim
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 160 (1), 012065, 2016
The energy absorption of modified foamed concrete with rice husk ash subjected to impact loading
J Hadipramana, AAA Samad, R Ibrahim, N Mohamad, FV Riza
ARPN J. Eng. Appl. Sci 11, 7438-7442, 2015
Penerapan Batu Bata Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) untuk Peningkatan Pendapatan Home Industri Batu Bata Deli Serdang
S Prapanti, S Asfiati, J Hadipramana
Jurnal Abdi Mas Adzkia 1 (1), 9-17, 2020
Performance of Reinforced Concrete Beam with Differently Positioned Replacement Zones of Block Infill under Low Impact Loads
SN Mokhatar, MM Mustafa, SS Rouwab, J Hadipramana
MATEC Web of Conferences 103, 02003, 2017
Contribution of RHA granules as filler to improve the impact resistance of foamed concrete
J Hadipramana, AAA Samad, AZ Ahmad Mujahid, N Mohamad, FV Riza
Key Engineering Materials 594, 93-97, 2014
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