Classification and unfoldings of degenerate Hopf bifurcations M Golubitsky, WF Langford Journal of Differential Equations 41 (3), 375-415, 1981 | 323 | 1981 |
Periodic and steady-state mode interactions lead to tori WF Langford SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 37 (1), 22-48, 1979 | 231 | 1979 |
Primary instabilities and bicriticality in flow between counter-rotating cylinders WF Langford, R Tagg, E KOSTELICH, H SWINNEY, M Golubitsky Physics of Fluids 31 (4), 776, 1988 | 157 | 1988 |
Degenerate Hopf bifurcation formulas and Hilbert’s 16th problem WW Farr, C Li, IS Labouriau, WF Langford SIAM journal on mathematical analysis 20 (1), 13-30, 1989 | 131 | 1989 |
Pattern formation and bistability in flow between counterrotating cylinders M Golubitsky, WF Langford Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 32 (3), 362-392, 1988 | 121 | 1988 |
Iterations, perturbations and multiplicities for nonlinear bifurcation problems HB Keller, WF Langford Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 48, 83-108, 1972 | 107 | 1972 |
Hopf bifurcation with non-semisimple 1: 1 resonance SA van Gils, M Krupa, WF Langford Nonlinearity 3 (3), 825, 1990 | 94 | 1990 |
Conjectures on the routes to turbulence via bifurcations G Iooss, WF Langford Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 357, 489-505, 1980 | 76 | 1980 |
Numerical solution of bifurcation problems for ordinary differential equations WF Langford Numerische Mathematik 28, 171-190, 1977 | 75 | 1977 |
Interactions of Hopf and pitchfork bifurcations WF Langford, G Iooss Bifurcation Problems and their Numerical Solution: Workshop on Bifurcation …, 1980 | 73 | 1980 |
Numerical studies of torus bifurcations WF Langford Numerical Methods for Bifurcation Problems: Proceedings of the Conference at …, 1984 | 66 | 1984 |
The subharmonic bifurcation solution of nonlinear Mathieu's equation and Euler dynamic buckling problems Y Chen, W Langford Acta Mechanica Sinica 4 (4), 350-362, 1988 | 63 | 1988 |
A review of interactions of Hopf and steady-state bifurcations WF Langford Nonlinear Dynamics and Turbulence, 215-237, 1983 | 59 | 1983 |
Huygens’ clocks revisited AR Willms, PM Kitanov, WF Langford Royal Society open science 4 (9), 170777, 2017 | 58 | 2017 |
Classification and unfoldings of 1: 2 resonant Hopf bifurcation VG LeBlanc, WF Langford Archive for rational mechanics and analysis 136, 305-357, 1996 | 46 | 1996 |
Normal form for generalized Hopf bifurcation with non-semisimple 1∶ 1 resonance N Sri Namachchivaya, MM Doyle, WF Langford, NW Evans Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik ZAMP 45 (2), 312-335, 1994 | 45 | 1994 |
The cusp–hopf bifurcation J Harlim, WF Langford International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 17 (08), 2547-2570, 2007 | 37 | 2007 |
Gain-induced oscillations in blood pressure RM Abbiw-Jackson, WF Langford Journal of Mathematical Biology 37, 203-234, 1998 | 33 | 1998 |
Hopf meets Hamilton under Whitney’s umbrella WF Langford IUTAM Symposium on Nonlinear Stochastic Dynamics: Proceedings of the IUTAM …, 2003 | 25 | 2003 |
Interactions of Andronov-Hopf and Bogdamov-Takens bifurcations WF Langford, K Zhan arXiv preprint math/9811178, 1998 | 24 | 1998 |