Artikler med mandater om offentlig tilgang - Yongqi WangLes mer
Ikke tilgjengelige noe sted: 6
On a non-linear droplet oscillation theory via the unified method
D Plümacher, M Oberlack, Y Wang, M Smuda
Physics of Fluids 32 (6), 2020
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Debris flows with pore pressure and intergranular friction on rugged topography
J Heß, YC Tai, Y Wang
Computers & Fluids 190, 139-155, 2019
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Analytical investigation of rotationally symmetrical oscillating flows of viscoelastic fluids
S Dillen, M Oberlack, Y Wang
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 272, 104168, 2019
Mandater: German Research Foundation
On the role of pore-fluid pressure evolution and hypoplasticity in debris flows
J Heß, Y Wang
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 74, 363-379, 2019
Mandater: German Research Foundation
A thermo-mechanical continuum theory with internal length for cohesionless granular materials
F Chung, Y Wang, K Hutter
Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 17 (8), 577, 2006
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Maximization of inertial waves focusing in linear and nonlinear regimes
A Mohamed, A Delache, FS Godeferd, J Liu, M Oberlack, Y Wang
Physical Review Fluids 9 (9), 094605, 2024
Mandater: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Tilgjengelige et eller annet sted: 29
DEM simulation of impact force exerted by granular flow on rigid structures
H Teufelsbauer, Y Wang, SP Pudasaini, RI Borja, W Wu
Acta Geotechnica 6 (3), 119-133, 2011
Mandater: Austrian Science Fund
Flow–obstacle interaction in rapid granular avalanches: DEM simulation and comparison with experiment
H Teufelsbauer, Y Wang, MC Chiou, W Wu
Granular Matter 11, 209-220, 2009
Mandater: Austrian Science Fund
Unified modelling of granular media with smoothed particle hydrodynamics
C Peng, X Guo, W Wu, Y Wang
Acta Geotechnica 11, 1231-1247, 2016
Mandater: European Commission
Large Eddy Simulation of Sediment Deformation in a Turbulent Flow by Means of Level‐Set Method
S Kraft, Y Wang, M Oberlack
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 137 (11), 1394-1405, 2011
Mandater: German Research Foundation
A thermo-mechanical continuum theory with internal length for cohesionless granular materials - Part II. Non-equilibrium postulates and numerical simulations of simple shear …
C Fang, Y Wang, K Hutter
Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 17 (8), 577-607, 2006
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Simple multidimensional integration of discontinuous functions with application to level set methods
B Müller, F Kummer, M Oberlack, Y Wang
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 92 (7), 637-651, 2012
Mandater: German Research Foundation
A thermodynamic model of multiphase flows with moving interfaces and contact line
Y Wang, M Oberlack
Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 23 (5), 409-433, 2011
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Modeling Two‐Phase Debris Flows with Grain‐Fluid Separation over Rugged Topography: Application to the 2009 Hsiaolin Event, Taiwan
YC Tai, J Heß, Y Wang
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 124 (2), 305-333, 2019
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Shearing flows of a dry granular material—hypoplastic constitutive theory and numerical simulations
C Fang, Y Wang, K Hutter
International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics …, 2006
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Unified constitutive model for granular–fluid mixture in quasi-static and dense flow regimes
X Guo, C Peng, W Wu, Y Wang
Acta Geotechnica 16, 775-787, 2021
Mandater: National Natural Science Foundation of China, European Commission
Thermodynamically consistent modeling of granular-fluid mixtures incorporating pore pressure evolution and hypoplastic behavior
J Heß, Y Wang, K Hutter
Continuum mechanics and thermodynamics 29, 311-343, 2017
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Asymptotic analysis of the eigenstructure of the two-layer model and a new family of criteria for evaluating the model hyperbolicity
L Sarno, Y Wang, YC Tai, R Martino, A Carravetta
Advances in Water Resources 154, 103966, 2021
Mandater: European Commission
Exact solutions to the interfacial surfactant transport equation on a droplet in a Stokes flow regime
C Kallendorf, A Fath, M Oberlack, Y Wang
Physics of Fluids 27 (8), 2015
Mandater: German Research Foundation
A variational principle for the revised Goodman–Cowin theory with internal length
C Fang, Y Wang, K Hutter
Archive of Applied Mechanics 76, 119-131, 2006
Mandater: German Research Foundation
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