Jose Raul Quintero Henao
Jose Raul Quintero Henao
Mathematics Departament, Universidad del Valle
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Two-dimensional solitary waves for a Benney-Luke equation
RL Pego, JR Quintero
Physica D 132 (4), 476–496, 1999
Nonlinear stability of a one-dimensional Boussinesq equation
JR Quintero
J. Dynam. Differential Equations 15 (1), 125–142, 2003
Nonlinear stability of solitary waves for a 2-D Benney-Luke equation
JR Quintero
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series A 13 (1), 203–218, 2005
Existence and orbital stability of cnoidal waves for a 1D Boussinesq equation
J Angulo, JR Quintero
Int. J. Math. Math. Sci. 1 (1), 1- 36, 2007
Instability of solitary waves for a generalized Benney-Luke equation
JR Quintero, JC Muñoz
Nonlinear Analysis 68 (10), 3009–3033, 2008
Existence and analyticity of lump solutions for generalized Benney-Luke equations
JR Quintero
Rev. Colombiana Mat. 36 (2), 71–95, 2002
Solitons and periodic travelling waves for the 2D-generalized Benney-Luke equation
JR Quintero
Applicable Analysis 86 (3), 331–351, 2007
Asymptotic stability of solitary waves in the Benney-Luke model of water waves
T Mizumachi, RL Pego, JR Quintero
Differential Integral Equations 26 (3-4), 253–301, 2013
Solitary water waves for a 2D Boussinesq type system
JR Quintero
J. Partial Differerential Equations 23 (10), 251–280, 2010
A remark on the Cauchy problem for the generalized Benney-Luke equation
JR Quintero
Differential Integral Equations 21 (9-10), 859–890, 2008
Existence, physical sense and analyticity of solitons for a 2D Boussinesq-Benney-Luke system
JR Quintero, AM Montes
Dynamics Partial Differential Equations 10 (4), 313–342, 2013
The Cauchy problem and stability of solitary waves for a 2D Boussinesq-KdV type system
JR Quintero
Differential Integral Equations 24 (3-4), 325–360, 2011
A host of traveling waves in a model of three-dimensional water-wave dynamics
RL Pego, JR Quintero
J. Nonlinear Science 12 (1), 59–83, 2002
Instability of the standing waves for a Benney-Roskes/Zakharov-Rubenchik system and blow-up for the Zakharov equations
JR Quintero, JC Cordero
Discret. Contin. Dyn. Syst.: Ser. B 25 (4), 1213-1240, 2020
Investigación-acción pedagógica en la formación de educadores
J Quintero, J Muñoz
Ávila, R.(comp.), la investigación-acción. Pedagógica experiencias y …, 2003
Existence and uniqueness for a system of Boussinesq equations
JR Quintero, JCM Grajales
Methods Appl. Anal 11, 15-32, 2004
Un modelo de VIH-SIDA con reinfección
JR Quintero, P Gonzalez
Matemáticas: Enseñanza Universitaria 10 (1-2), 67-83, 2002
Stability and instability analysis for the standing waves for a generalized Zakharov-Rubenchik system
JR Quintero
Proyecciones (Antofagasta) 41 (3), 663-682, 2022
Solitary waves for an internal wave model
J Quintero, J Muñoz-Grajales
Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst 36 (10), 5721-5741, 2016
Experimentación de un modelo formativo-reflexivo en investigación educativa (Avance de tesis doctoral)
J Quintero, JF Muñoz
Trabajo presentada en el Congreso de Investigación Educativa de la …, 1999
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