Artikler med mandater om offentlig tilgang - sabeena farvinLes mer
Ikke tilgjengelige noe sted: 7
Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Activities of Selected Species of Seaweeds from Danish Coast
KH Sabeena Farvin, C Jacobsen
Food Chemistry, 2012
Mandater: Danish Council for Technology and Innovation
Antioxidant activity of cod (Gadus morhua) protein hydrolysates: Fractionation and characterisation of peptide fractions
KHS Farvin, LL Andersen, J Otte, HH Nielsen, F Jessen, C Jacobsen
Food Chemistry 204, 409-419, 2016
Mandater: Danish Council for Technology and Innovation, Danish Council for Strategic …
Antioxidative Effect of Seaweed Extracts in Chilled Storage of Minced Atlantic Mackerel (Scomber scombrus): Effect on Lipid and Protein Oxidation
A Babakhani, KHS Farvin, C Jacobsen
Food and bioprocess technology 9, 352-364, 2016
Mandater: Danish Council for Technology and Innovation
Antioxidant activity of seaweed extracts: in vitro assays, evaluation in 5% fish oil-in-water emulsions and characterization
KH Sabeena Farvin, C Jacobsen
Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society 92, 571-587, 2015
Mandater: Danish Council for Technology and Innovation
Isolation of Fucoxanthin from Brown Algae and Its Antioxidant Activity: In Vitro and 5% Fish Oil‐In‐Water Emulsion
SF Koduvayur Habeebullah, A Surendraraj, C Jacobsen
Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society 95 (7), 835-843, 2018
Mandater: Danish Council for Technology and Innovation
Enzymatic extraction of antioxidant ingredients from Danish seaweeds and characterization of active principles
SFK Habeebullah, S Alagarsamy, A Arnous, C Jacobsen
Algal Research 56, 102292, 2021
Mandater: Danish Council for Technology and Innovation
Effect of gastrointestinal protease digestion on bioactivity of marine peptides
IJ Jensen, LL Andersen, CG Ossum, G Jakobsen, C De Gobba, ...
Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology. B 4 (1B), 74, 2014
Mandater: Danish Council for Strategic Research
Tilgjengelig et eller annet sted: 1
Antioxidant activity of Cod (Gadus morhua) protein hydrolysates: In vitro assays and evaluation in 5% fish oil-in-water emulsion
KHS Farvin, LL Andersen, HH Nielsen, C Jacobsen, G Jakobsen, ...
Food chemistry 149, 326-334, 2014
Mandater: Danish Council for Technology and Innovation, Danish Council for Strategic …
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