Designing more cost reflective electricity network tariffs with demand charges R Passey, N Haghdadi, A Bruce, I MacGill Energy Policy 109, 642-649, 2017 | 154 | 2017 |
The impact of an urban canopy and anthropogenic heat fluxes on Sydney's climate S Ma, A Pitman, M Hart, JP Evans, N Haghdadi, I MacGill International Journal of Climatology 37, 255-270, 2017 | 76 | 2017 |
Appliance level data analysis of summer demand reduction potential from residential air conditioner control A Malik, N Haghdadi, I MacGill, J Ravishankar Applied energy 235, 776-785, 2019 | 74 | 2019 |
Impact of distributed photovoltaic systems on zone substation peak demand N Haghdadi, A Bruce, I MacGill, R Passey IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 9 (2), 621-629, 2017 | 60 | 2017 |
A method to estimate the location and orientation of distributed photovoltaic systems from their generation output data N Haghdadi, J Copper, A Bruce, I MacGill Renewable Energy 108, 390-400, 2017 | 53 | 2017 |
Characterisation of Australian apartment electricity demand and its implications for low-carbon cities MB Roberts, N Haghdadi, A Bruce, I MacGill Energy 180, 242-257, 2019 | 52 | 2019 |
Pricing the urban cooling benefits of solar panel deployment in Sydney, Australia S Ma, M Goldstein, AJ Pitman, N Haghdadi, I MacGill Scientific reports 7 (1), 43938, 2017 | 51 | 2017 |
Observed behavior of distributed photovoltaic systems during major voltage disturbances and implications for power system security N Stringer, N Haghdadi, A Bruce, J Riesz, I MacGill Applied Energy 260, 114283, 2020 | 35 | 2020 |
Consumer-led transition: Australia's world-leading distributed energy resource integration efforts N Stringer, A Bruce, I MacGill, N Haghdadi, P Kilby, J Mills, T Veijalainen, ... IEEE Power and Energy Magazine 18 (6), 20-36, 2020 | 23 | 2020 |
Fair consumer outcomes in the balance: Data driven analysis of distributed PV curtailment N Stringer, N Haghdadi, A Bruce, I MacGill Renewable Energy 173, 972-986, 2021 | 22 | 2021 |
Clustering-based optimal sizing and siting of photovoltaic power plant in distribution network N Haghdadi, B Asaei, Z Gandomkar 2012 11th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering …, 2012 | 21 | 2012 |
Reliability-cost trade-offs for electricity industry planning with high variable renewable energy penetrations in emerging economies: A case study of Indonesia’s Java-Bali grid Y Tanoto, N Haghdadi, A Bruce, I MacGill Energy 227, 120474, 2021 | 19 | 2021 |
NEMOSIS – NEM Open Source Information Service; open-source access to Australian National Electricity Market Data N Gorman, N Haghdadi, A Bruce, I MacGill Asia Pacific Solar Research Conference 2018, 2018 | 18 | 2018 |
Clustering based assessment of cost, security and environmental tradeoffs with possible future electricity generation portfolios Y Tanoto, N Haghdadi, A Bruce, I MacGill Applied Energy 270, 115219, 2020 | 13 | 2020 |
Assessing the representativeness of ‘Live’distributed PV data for upscaled PV generation estimates N Haghdadi, A Bruce, I MacGill 2015 IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC), 1-5, 2015 | 12 | 2015 |
Solar trends report for solar citizens M Roberts, J Copper, A Bruce, T Barton, N Haghdadi, R Hu University of New South Wales, Australian PV Institute, 2018 | 11 | 2018 |
A novel temperature estimation method for solar cells G Farivar, B Asaei, N Haghdadi, H Iman-Eini 2011 2nd Power Electronics, Drive Systems and Technologies Conference, 336-341, 2011 | 11 | 2011 |
Real time generation mapping of distributed PV for network planning and operations N Haghdadi, J Dennis, A Bruce, I MacGill 2015 IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC), 1-5, 2015 | 10 | 2015 |
Operational performance analysis of distributed PV systems in Australia N Haghdadi, J Copper, A Bruce, I MacGill Asia Pacific Solar Research Conference, 2016 | 9 | 2016 |
A clustering-based preprocessing on feeder power in presence of photovoltaic power plant N Haghdadi, B Asaei, Z Gandomkar 2011 10th International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering …, 2011 | 9 | 2011 |