Shaun Belward
Shaun Belward
Associate Professor in Mathematics, James Cook University
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DF Mullamphy, PJ Higgins, SR Belward, LM Ward
Anziam Journal 51, C446-C460, 2010
Fully non-linear two-layer flow over arbitrary topography
SR Belward, LK Forbes
Journal of engineering mathematics 27 (4), 419-432, 1993
The state of quantitative skills in undergraduate science education: findings from an Australian study
KE Matthews, S Belward, C Coady, L Rylands, V Simbag, P Adams, ...
Australian Government, Office for Learning and Teaching, 2012
Preparation of students for tertiary studies requiring mathematics
SR Belward, DFT Mullamphy, WW Read, GE Sneddon
The Proceedings of ANZIAM 47, C840-C857, 2005
A study of the Australian tertiary sector’s portrayed view of the relevance of quantitative skills in science
S Belward, K Matthews, L Rylands, C Coady, P Adams, V Simbag
Mathematics: Traditions and [New} Practices, 2011
Scientists and mathematicians collaborating to build quantitative skills in undergraduate science
L Rylands, V Simbag, KE Matthews, C Coady, S Belward
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 44 …, 2013
Investigating students’ perceptions of graduate learning outcomes in mathematics
D King, C Varsavsky, S Belward, K Matthews
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 48 …, 2017
A series-solution method for free-boundary problems arising from flow over topography
PJ Higgins, WW Read, SR Belward
Journal of engineering mathematics 54, 345-358, 2006
Curriculum development for quantitative skills in degree programs: a cross-institutional study situated in the life sciences
KE Matthews, S Belward, C Coady, L Rylands, V Simbag
Higher Education Research & Development 35 (3), 545-559, 2016
Interfacial waves and hydraulic falls: some applications to atmospheric flows in the lee of mountains
SR Belward, LK Forbes
Journal of engineering mathematics 29 (2), 161-179, 1995
Fully nonlinear flow over successive obstacles: hydraulic fall and supercritical flows
SR Belward
The ANZIAM Journal 40 (4), 447-458, 1999
Atmospheric solitary waves: some applications to the Morning Glory of the Gulf of Carpentaria
LK Forbes, SR Belward
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 321, 137-155, 1996
Atmospheric interfacial waves
LK Forbes, SR Belward
Physics of Fluids A: Fluid Dynamics 4 (10), 2222-2229, 1992
Efficient series solutions for non-linear flow over topography
SR Belward, WW Read, PJ Higgins
ANZIAM Proceedings 44, C96-C113, 2002
Bridging the gap: teaching university mathematics to high school students
PJ Higgins, SR Belward
ANZIAM Proceedings 51, C640-C653, 2009
Value of written reflections in understanding student thinking: The case of incorrect simplification of a rational expression
K Ruhl, J Balatti, S Belward
Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers and Mathematics Education …, 2011
On series solutions to Laplacian free boundary problems
AG Gill, WW Read, GE Sneddon
Computational Techniques and Applications: CTAC'95, 343-350, 1996
Development of mathematical pathways for VET students to articulate to related higher education courses: A focus on engineering
I Penesis, S Kilpatrick, D Broun, S Belward, R Barnes, J Roddick, ...
International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education 23 …, 2015
Mathematics Education: Expanding Horizons: Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia
Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia (MERGA). Conference ...
Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, 2012
Applying mathematical thinking: The role of mathematicians and scientists in equipping the new generation scientist
S Belward, KE Matthews, KV Thompson, NJ Pelaez, C Coady, P Adams, ...
University of Canterbury and The University of Auckland, 2011
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