Christian Stöhr
Christian Stöhr
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The polarizing effect of the online flipped classroom
C Stöhr, C Demazière, T Adawi
Computers & Education 147, 2020
“Time is the bottleneck”: a qualitative study exploring why learners drop out of MOOCs
T Eriksson, T Adawi, C Stöhr
Journal of Computing in Higher Education 1 (29), 133–146, 2017
Videos as learning objects in MOOCs: A study of specialist and non‐specialist participants' video activity in MOOCs
C Stöhr, N Stathakarou, F Mueller, S Nifakos, C McGrath
British Journal of Educational Technology 50 (1), 166-176, 2019
Academic communication with AI-powered language tools in higher education: From a post-humanist perspective
AW Ou, C Stöhr, H Malmström
System 121, 2024
Power, knowledge, and conflict in the shaping of commons governance. The case of EU Baltic fisheries
TR Burns, C Stöhr
International Journal of the Commons 5 (2), 233-258, 2011
Perceptions and usage of AI chatbots among students in higher education across genders, academic levels and fields of study
C Stöhr, AW Ou, H Malmström
Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence 7, 2024
Flipped Classroom Research: From “Black Box” to “White Box” Evaluation
C Stöhr, T Adawi
Education Sciences 8 (1), 2018
Stakeholder participation and sustainable fisheries: an integrative framework for assessing adaptive comanagement processes
C Stöhr, C Lundholm, B Crona, I Chabay
Ecology and Society 19 (3), 2014
Chatbots and other AI for learning: A survey of use and views among university students in Sweden
H Malmström, C Stöhr, AW Ou
Chalmers Studies in Communication and Learning in Higher Education 2023 1, 2023
Metacognitive illusion or self-regulated learning? Assessing engineering students’ learning strategies against the backdrop of recent advances in cognitive science
M Cervin-Ellqvist, D Larsson, T Adawi, C Stöhr, R Negretti
Higher Education 82 (3), 477-498, 2021
The architecture and transformation of governance systems: Power, knowledge, and conflict
TR Burns, C Stöhr
Human Systems Management 30 (4), 173-194, 2011
Science and participation in governance of the Baltic Sea fisheries
C Stöhr, I Chabay
Environmental Policy and Governance 20 (5), 350-363, 2010
The Governance of the Wolf-Human Relationship in Europe
C Stohr, E Coimbra
Review of European Studies 5 (4), 1-18, 2013
Higher Education; For Free, For Everyone, For Real? Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and the Responsible University: History and Enacting Rationalities for MOOC Initiatives …
L Barman, C McGrath, C Stöhr
The Responsible University - Exploring the Nordic Context and Beyond, 117-143, 2019
Comparing Student Activity and Performance in the Classroom and a Virtual Learning Environment
C Stöhr, C Demazière, T Adawi
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on e-Learning ECEL 2016, 664-671, 2016
Makt, kultur och kontroll över invandrares livsvillkor: Multidimensionella perspektiv på strukturell diskriminering i Sverige
G Hultén, C Tigervall, T Jonsson, H Holgersson, H Sjöström, M Carson, ...
Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2007
Integrating Home and International Students in HE: Academic and Social Effects of Pair Work PBL Assignments Online
B Bergman, R Negretti, H Spencer-Oatey, C Stöhr
Journal of Studies in International Education 28 (2), 240-258, 2024
Anywhere and anytime? An analysis of the use of mobile devices in MOOCs
C Stöhr
Proceedings of INTED2017 Conference 6th-8th March 2017, Valencia, Spain 11 …, 2017
Stakeholder dialogues and shared understanding: the case of co-managing fisheries in Sweden
C Lundholm, C Stöhr
Sustainability 6 (7), 4525-4536, 2014
Student Perspectives on Video-Based Learning in CDIO-Based Project Courses
K Bhadani, C Stöhr, E Hulthén, J Quist, M Bengtsson, M Evertsson, ...
Proceedings of the 13th International CDIO Conference, University of Calgary …, 2017
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