Rate laws in metamorphism GW Fisher Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 42 (7), 1035-1050, 1978 | 228 | 1978 |
Nonequilibrium thermodynamics as a model for diffusion-controlled metamorphic processes GW Fisher American Journal of Science 273 (10), 897-924, 1973 | 183 | 1973 |
Kinematic patterns and estimates of lateral shortening, Valley and Ridge and Great Valley provinces, central Appalachians, south-central Pennsylvania VE Gwinn Studies of Appalachian geology: Central and southern: New York, Interscience …, 1970 | 117 | 1970 |
Matrix analysis of metamorphic mineral assemblages and reactions GW Fisher Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 102 (1), 69-77, 1989 | 108 | 1989 |
The application of ionic equilibria to metamorphic differentiation: an example GW Fisher Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 29 (2), 91-103, 1970 | 97 | 1970 |
Nonequilibrium thermodynamics in metamorphism GW Fisher Thermodynamics in Geology: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute …, 1977 | 91 | 1977 |
Kinetics of diffusion-controlled mineral growth in the Christmas Mountains (Texas) contact aureole R Joesten, G Fisher Geological Society of America Bulletin 100 (5), 714-732, 1988 | 90 | 1988 |
Cell dimensions and X-ray determinative curve for synthetic Mg-Fe olivines GW Fisher, LG Medaris Jr American Mineralogist: Journal of Earth and Planetary Materials 54 (5-6 …, 1969 | 78 | 1969 |
Irreversible thermodynamics in petrology GW Fisher, AC Lasaga Reviews in Mineralogy 8, 171-209, 1981 | 73 | 1981 |
Criteria for quasi-steady diffusion and local equilibrium in metamorphism GW Fisher, D Elliott Geochemical transport and kinetics 634, 231-241, 1974 | 60 | 1974 |
Discovering the Chesapeake: the history of an ecosystem PD Curtin, GS Brush, GW Fisher JHU Press, 2001 | 51 | 2001 |
Stratigraphic sequence of the Gile Mountain and Waits River Formations near Royalton, Vermont GW Fisher, P Karabinos Geological Society of America Bulletin 91 (5), 282-286, 1980 | 43 | 1980 |
Studies of Appalachian geology: Central and Southern GW Fisher, FJ Pettijohn, KN Reed, J.C., and Weaver Interscience, 1970 | 42 | 1970 |
Structural geology of fold and thrust belts S Mitra, GW Fisher (No Title), 1992 | 37 | 1992 |
The metamorphosed sedimentary rocks along the Potomac River near Washington, DC GW Fisher Fisher, GW, and others, editors: Studies of Appalachian geology, central and …, 1970 | 36 | 1970 |
Silicic segregations of the Ferrar Dolerite sills, Antarctica K Zavala, AM Leitch, GW Fisher Journal of Petrology 52 (10), 1927-1964, 2011 | 33 | 2011 |
An improved method for algebraic analysis of metamorphic mineral assemblages GW Fisher American Mineralogist 78 (11-12), 1257-1261, 1993 | 32 | 1993 |
Structural evolution of the external Sierra, Spanish Pyrenees DJ Anastasio, S Mitra, GW Fisher The structural geology of fold and thrust belts, 239-251, 1992 | 30 | 1992 |
Geological interpretations of aeromagnetic maps of the crystalline rocks in the Appalachians, northern Virginia to New Jersey GW Fisher, H MW, I Zietz | 27 | 1979 |
Interpretation of aeromagnetic anomalies bearing on the origin of upper Chesapeake Bay and river course changes in the central Atlantic seaboard region: Speculations MW Higgins, I Zietz, GW Fisher Geology 2 (2), 73-76, 1974 | 26 | 1974 |