Yanpeng Qi 齐彦鹏 上海科技大学
Yanpeng Qi 齐彦鹏 上海科技大学
Andre navnY. Qi, Yan-Peng Qi
School of Physical Science and Technology, ShanghaiTech University,
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Superconductivity in Weyl semimetal candidate MoTe2
Y Qi, PG Naumov, MN Ali, CR Rajamathi, W Schnelle, O Barkalov, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 11038, 2016
Signature of type-II Weyl semimetal phase in MoTe2
J Jiang, ZK Liu, Y Sun, HF Yang, CR Rajamathi, YP Qi, LX Yang, C Chen, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 13973, 2017
Axionic charge-density wave in the Weyl semimetal (TaSe 4) 2 I
CF J Gooth, B Bradlyn, S Honnali, C Schindler, N Kumar, J Noky, Y Qi, C ...
Nature 575 (7782), 315-319, 2019
Dirac line nodes and effect of spin-orbit coupling in the nonsymmorphic critical semimetals
C Chen, X Xu, J Jiang, SC Wu, YP Qi, LX Yang, MX Wang, Y Sun, ...
Physical Review B 95 (12), 125126, 2017
Topological Type-II Dirac Fermions Approaching the Fermi Level in a Transition Metal Dichalcogenide NiTe2
C Xu, B Li, W Jiao, W Zhou, B Qian, R Sankar, ND Zhigadlo, Y Qi, D Qian, ...
Chemistry of materials 30 (14), 4823-4830, 2018
A charge-density-wave topological semimetal
W Shi, BJ Wieder, HL Meyerheim, Y Sun, Y Zhang, Y Li, L Shen, Y Qi, ...
Nature Physics 17 (3), 381-387, 2021
Superconducting properties of granularSmFeAsO1− xFx wireswith Tc= 52 K prepared by the powder-in-tube method
Z Gao, L Wang, Y Qi, D Wang, X Zhang, Y Ma, H Yang, H Wen
Superconductor Science and Technology 21 (11), 112001, 2008
Charge Density Wave Orders and Enhanced Superconductivity under Pressure in the Kagome Metal CsV3Sb5
Q Wang, P Kong, W Shi, C Pei, C Wen, L Gao, Y Zhao, Q Yin, Y Wu, G Li, ...
Advanced Materials 33 (42), 2102813, 2021
Superconductivity at 34.7 K in the iron arsenide Eu0. 7Na0. 3Fe2As2
Y Qi, Z Gao, L Wang, D Wang, X Zhang, Y Ma
New Journal of Physics 10 (12), 123003, 2008
Preparation of LaFeAsO0. 9F0. 1 wires by the powder-in-tube method
Z Gao, L Wang, Y Qi, D Wang, X Zhang, Y Ma
Superconductor Science and Technology 21 (10), 105024, 2008
Superconductivity of powder-in-tube Sr0. 6K0. 4Fe2As2 wires
Y Qi, X Zhang, Z Gao, Z Zhang, L Wang, D Wang, Y Ma
Physica C: Superconductivity 469 (13), 717-720, 2009
Large transport critical currents of powder-in-tube Sr0. 6K0. 4Fe2As2/Ag superconducting wires and tapes
L Wang, Y Qi, D Wang, X Zhang, Z Gao, Z Zhang, Y Ma, S Awaji, ...
Physica C: Superconductivity 470 (2), 183-186, 2010
Transport critical currents in the iron pnictide superconducting wires prepared by the exsitu PIT method
Y Qi, L Wang, D Wang, Z Zhang, Z Gao, X Zhang, Y Ma
Superconductor Science and Technology 23 (5), 055009, 2010
Superconductivity in co-doped SmFeAsO
Y Qi, Z Gao, L Wang, D Wang, X Zhang, Y Ma
Superconductor Science and Technology 21 (11), 115016, 2008
High-entropy van der Waals materials formed from mixed metal dichalcogenides, halides, and phosphorus trisulfides
T Ying, T Yu, YS Shiah, C Li, J Li, Y Qi, H Hosono
Journal of the American Chemical Society 143 (18), 7042-7049, 2021
High transport critical current densities in textured Fe-sheathed Sr1− xKxFe2As2+ Sn superconducting tapes
Z Gao, L Wang, C Yao, Y Qi, C Wang, X Zhang, D Wang, C Wang, Y Ma
Applied Physics Letters 99 (24), 2011
Mode-resolved reciprocal space mapping of electron-phonon interaction in the Weyl semimetal candidate Td-WTe2
P Hein, S Jauernik, H Erk, L Yang, Y Qi, Y Sun, C Felser, M Bauer
Nature communications 11 (1), 2613, 2020
Pressure-induced superconductivity at 32 K in MoB2
YQ Cuiying Pei, Jianfeng Zhang, Qi Wang, Yi Zhao, Lingling Gao, Chunsheng ...
National Science Review 10 (5), nwad034, 2023
Topological quantum phase transition and superconductivity induced by pressure in the bismuth tellurohalide BiTeI
Y Qi, W Shi, PG Naumov, N Kumar, R Sankar, W Schnelle, C Shekhar, ...
Advanced Materials 29 (18), 1605965, 2017
Fabrication and characterization of iron pnictide wires and bulk materials through the powder-in-tube method
Y Ma, Z Gao, Y Qi, X Zhang, L Wang, Z Zhang, D Wang
Physica C: Superconductivity 469 (9-12), 651-656, 2009
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