Artikler med mandater om offentlig tilgang - Ping Jack SohLes mer
Ikke tilgjengelige noe sted: 6
Monostatic continuous-wave radar integrating a tunable wideband leakage canceler for indoor tagless localization
M Mercuri, P Barmuta, PJ Soh, P Leroux, D Schreurs
International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies 9 (8), 1583-1590, 2017
Mandater: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Compact UHF antenna utilizing Cubesat's characteristic modes
A Narbudowicz, S Chalermwisutkul, PJ Soh, MF Jamlos, MJ Ammann
2019 13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 1-3, 2019
Mandater: Science Foundation Ireland, European Commission
Dual-mode wireless sensor network for real-time contactless in-door health monitoring
M Mercuri, M Rajabi, P Karsmakers, PJ Soh, B Vanrumste, P Leroux, ...
2015 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, 1-4, 2015
Mandater: Research Foundation (Flanders)
A wideband wearable antenna based on metasurface
S Yan, K Zhang, PJ Soh
2020 IEEE International RF and Microwave Conference (RFM), 1-4, 2020
Mandater: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Robust and compact PDMS antennas for search and rescue operations and emergency communications
R Joshi, C Constantinides, SK Podilchak, MN Ramli, H Lago, PJ Soh
12th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2018), 1-5, 2018
Mandater: European Commission
Radar range improvement using gradient-free optimization for health care applications
P Barmuta, M Mercuri, PJ Soh, P Karsmakers, GAE Vandenbosch, ...
2016 21st International Conference on Microwave, Radar and Wireless …, 2016
Mandater: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Tilgjengelige et eller annet sted: 53
Analysis of an Indoor Biomedical Radar-Based System for Health Monitoring
M Mercuri, PJ Soh, G Pandey, P Karsmakers, GAE Vandenbosch, ...
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 61 (5), 2061-2068, 2013
Mandater: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Wearable ultrawideband technology—A review of ultrawideband antennas, propagation channels, and applications in wireless body area networks
S Yan, PJ Soh, GAE Vandenbosch
Ieee Access 6, 42177-42185, 2018
Mandater: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Embedded DSP-based telehealth radar system for remote in-door fall detection
C Garripoli, M Mercuri, P Karsmakers, PJ Soh, G Crupi, ...
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 19 (1), 92-101, 2014
Mandater: Research Foundation (Flanders)
Dual-band, dual-sense textile antenna with AMC backing for localization using GPS and WBAN/WLAN
R Joshi, EFNM Hussin, PJ Soh, MF Jamlos, H Lago, AA Al-Hadi, ...
IEEE Access 8, 89468-89478, 2020
Mandater: European Commission
Meta-wearable antennas—A review of metamaterial based antennas in wireless body area networks
K Zhang, PJ Soh, S Yan
Materials 14 (1), 149, 2020
Mandater: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Specific absorption rate (SAR) evaluation of textile antennas
PJ Soh, G Vandenbosch, FH Wee, A van den Bosch, M Martinez-Vazquez, ...
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine 57 (2), 229-240, 2015
Mandater: European Commission
A review of antenna analysis using characteristic modes
BBQ Elias, PJ Soh, AA Al-Hadi, P Akkaraekthalin, GAE Vandenbosch
Ieee Access 9, 98833-98862, 2021
Mandater: Academy of Finland
Hardware aspects of sub-THz antennas and reconfigurable intelligent surfaces for 6G communications
K Rasilainen, TD Phan, M Berg, A Pärssinen, PJ Soh
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 41 (8), 2530-2546, 2023
Mandater: Academy of Finland, European Commission
Design of a compact dual-band textile antenna based on metasurface
K Zhang, PJ Soh, S Yan
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems 16 (2), 211-221, 2022
Mandater: National Natural Science Foundation of China, Academy of Finland
A metasurface-based single-layered compact AMC-backed dual-band antenna for off-body IoT devices
S Ahmad, KN Paracha, YA Sheikh, A Ghaffar, AD Butt, M Alibakhshikenari, ...
IEEE Access 9, 159598-159615, 2021
Mandater: European Commission, Government of Spain
-Band Sensing-Based Motion Assessment Framework for Cerebellar Dysfunction Patients
X Yang, SA Shah, A Ren, D Fan, N Zhao, S Zheng, W Zhao, W Wang, ...
IEEE Sensors Journal 19 (19), 8460-8467, 2018
Mandater: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Compact multiband reconfigurable MIMO antenna for sub-6GHz 5G mobile terminal
S Padmanathan, AA Al-Hadi, AM Elshirkasi, SS Al-Bawri, MT Islam, ...
IEEE Access 10, 60241-60252, 2022
Mandater: Academy of Finland
Multiband slot‐loaded dipole antenna for WLAN and LTE‐A applications
SS Al‐Bawri, MF Jamlos, PJ Soh, SA Aljunid Syed Junid, MA Jamlos, ...
IET microwaves, antennas & propagation 12 (1), 63-68, 2018
Mandater: Irish Research Council
Analysis and design of dual-band folded-shorted patch antennas for robust wearable applications
R Joshi, SK Podilchak, DE Anagnostou, C Constantinides, MN Ramli, ...
IEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation 1, 239-252, 2020
Mandater: European Commission
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