Artikler med mandater om offentlig tilgang - Shuxia TangLes mer
Ikke tilgjengelige noe sted: 3
Automatic spinal cord segmentation from axial-view MRI slices using CNN with grayscale regularized active contour propagation
X Zhang, Y Li, Y Liu, SX Tang, X Liu, K Punithakumar, D Shi
Computers in Biology and Medicine 132, 104345, 2021
Mandater: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Event-triggered active disturbance rejection control for a class of networked systems with unmatched uncertainties: Theoretic and experimental results
K Cui, SX Tang, Y Huang, H Yu, D Shi
Control Engineering Practice 115, 104907, 2021
Mandater: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Observer-Based stabilization of stochastic Hamiltonian systems
JY Li, YH Liu, SX Tang, XS Cai
2018 Annual American Control Conference (ACC), 5940-5945, 2018
Mandater: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Tilgjengelige et eller annet sted: 12
Exponential regulation of the anti-collocatedly disturbed cage in a wave PDE-modeled ascending cable elevator
J Wang, SX Tang, Y Pi, M Krstic
Automatica 95, 122-136, 2018
Mandater: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Battery internal temperature estimation via a semilinear thermal PDE model
D Zhang, S Dey, SX Tang, R Drummond, SJ Moura
Automatica 133, 109849, 2021
Mandater: US National Science Foundation
Parabolic PDE-based multi-agent formation control on a cylindrical surface
J Qi, SX Tang, C Wang
International Journal of Control 92 (1), 77-99, 2019
Mandater: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Asymptotic stability of a Korteweg–de Vries equation with a two-dimensional center manifold
S Tang, J Chu, P Shang, JM Coron
Advances in Nonlinear Analysis 7 (4), 497-515, 2018
Mandater: National Natural Science Foundation of China, European Commission
Formation tracking control for multi-agent systems: A wave-equation based approach
SX Tang, J Qi, J Zhang
International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems 15, 2704-2713, 2017
Mandater: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Stabilization of a heat‐ODE system cascaded at a boundary point and an intermediate point
Z Zhen, SX Tang, Z Zhou
Asian Journal of Control 19 (5), 1834-1843, 2017
Mandater: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Energy‐based stabilisation and robust stabilisation of stochastic non‐linear systems
YH Liu, GZ Cao, SX Tang, XS Cai, JZ Peng
IET Control Theory & Applications 12 (2), 318-325, 2018
Mandater: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Optimal sensor design for infinite-time Kalman filters
SX Tang, KA Morris
2017 IEEE 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 64-69, 2017
Mandater: US Department of Defense
Gevrey class regularity of a semigroup associated with a nonlinear Korteweg-de Vries equation
J Chu, JM Coron, P Shang, SX Tang
Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Series B 39 (2), 201-212, 2018
Mandater: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Local exponential stabilization of a coupled burgers' PDE-ODE system
A Hasan, SX Tang
2017 IEEE 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2479-2484, 2017
Mandater: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Dissipation analysis and H∞ control of stochastic nonlinear systems based on Hamiltonian realization
Y Liu, G Cao, S Tang, X Cai
2016 American Control Conference (ACC), 3892-3897, 2016
Mandater: National Natural Science Foundation of China
State and disturbance estimator for unstable reaction-advection-diffusion PDE with boundary disturbance
D Zhang, SX Tang, SJ Moura
2019 Proceedings of the conference on control and its applications, 67-74, 2019
Mandater: US National Science Foundation
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