Damien Stehlé
Damien Stehlé
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CRYSTALS-Kyber: a CCA-secure module-lattice-based KEM
J Bos, L Ducas, E Kiltz, T Lepoint, V Lyubashevsky, JM Schanck, ...
2018 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P), 353-367, 2018
Handbook of floating-point arithmetic
JM Muller, N Brisebarre, F De Dinechin, CP Jeannerod, V Lefevre, ...
Springer Science & Business Media, 2009
Crystals-dilithium: A lattice-based digital signature scheme
L Ducas, E Kiltz, T Lepoint, V Lyubashevsky, P Schwabe, G Seiler, ...
IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, 238-268, 2018
Classical hardness of learning with errors
Z Brakerski, A Langlois, C Peikert, O Regev, D Stehlé
Proceedings of the forty-fifth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing …, 2013
Worst-case to average-case reductions for module lattices
A Langlois, D Stehlé
Designs, Codes and Cryptography 75 (3), 565-599, 2015
Making NTRU as Secure as Worst-Case Problems over Ideal Lattices
D Stehlé, R Steinfeld
Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of …, 2011
CRYSTALS-Kyber algorithm specifications and supporting documentation
R Avanzi, J Bos, L Ducas, E Kiltz, T Lepoint, V Lyubashevsky, JM Schanck, ...
NIST PQC Round 2 (4), 1-43, 2019
Faster fully homomorphic encryption
D Stehlé, R Steinfeld
Advances in Cryptology-ASIACRYPT 2010: 16th International Conference on the …, 2010
Efficient public key encryption based on ideal lattices
D Stehlé, R Steinfeld, K Tanaka, K Xagawa
International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and …, 2009
Crystals-dilithium (round 3)
L Ducas, E Kiltz, T Lepoint, V Lyubashevsky, P Schwabe, G Seiler, ...
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Tech. Rep, 2020
Fully secure functional encryption for inner products, from standard assumptions
S Agrawal, B Libert, D Stehlé
Annual International Cryptology Conference, 333-362, 2016
CRYSTALS-Kyber (round 3)
R Avanzi, J Bos, L Ducas, E Kiltz, T Lepoint, V Lyubashevsky, JM Schanck, ...
Submission to the NIST post-quantum project 9, 11, 2020
Cryptanalysis of the multilinear map over the integers
JH Cheon, K Han, C Lee, H Ryu, D Stehlé
Advances in Cryptology--EUROCRYPT 2015: 34th Annual International Conference …, 2015
Analyzing blockwise lattice algorithms using dynamical systems
G Hanrot, X Pujol, D Stehlé
Annual Cryptology Conference, 447-464, 2011
LLL on the average
PQ Nguyen, D Stehlé
Algorithmic Number Theory: 7th International Symposium, ANTS-VII, Berlin …, 2006
Improved security proofs in lattice-based cryptography: using the Rényi divergence rather than the statistical distance
S Bai, T Lepoint, A Roux-Langlois, A Sakzad, D Stehlé, R Steinfeld
Journal of Cryptology 31, 610-640, 2018
Floating-point LLL revisited
PQ Nguên, D Stehlé
Advances in Cryptology–EUROCRYPT 2005: 24th Annual International Conference …, 2005
CRYSTALS-Dilithium: Algorithm specifications and supporting documentation (version 3.1)
S Bai, L Ducas, E Kiltz, T Lepoint, V Lyubashevsky, P Schwabe, G Seiler, ...
NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization Round 3, 2021
Semantically secure lattice codes for the Gaussian wiretap channel
C Ling, L Luzzi, JC Belfiore, D Stehlé
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 60 (10), 6399-6416, 2014
GGHLite: More efficient multilinear maps from ideal lattices
A Langlois, D Stehlé, R Steinfeld
Annual international conference on the theory and applications of …, 2014
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