Artikler med mandater om offentlig tilgang - Mike MorleyLes mer
Ikke tilgjengelig noe sted: 1
Fish Traps, Seed-Grinding and Food Stores: Reconstructing Complex Mithaka Indigenous Economic and Water Management Technologies
RC Kerkhove, JL Silcock, D Williams, A Kotarba-Morley, D Keenan-Jones, ...
Mandater: Australian Research Council
Tilgjengelige et eller annet sted: 30
Revised stratigraphy and chronology for Homo floresiensis at Liang Bua in Indonesia
T Sutikna, MW Tocheri, MJ Morwood, EW Saptomo, Jatmiko, RD Awe, ...
Nature 532 (7599), 366-369, 2016
Mandater: Australian Research Council, Villum Foundation
Archaeological evidence for two separate dispersals of Neanderthals into southern Siberia
KA Kolobova, RG Roberts, VP Chabai, Z Jacobs, MT Krajcarz, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (6), 2879-2885, 2020
Mandater: Australian Research Council, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council …
Microstratigraphic preservation of ancient faunal and hominin DNA in Pleistocene cave sediments
D Massilani, MW Morley, SM Mentzer, V Aldeias, B Vernot, C Miller, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (1), e2113666118, 2022
Mandater: Australian Research Council, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia …
Follow the Senqu: Maloti-Drakensberg paleoenvironments and implications for early human dispersals into mountain systems
BA Stewart, AG Parker, G Dewar, MW Morley, LF Allott
Africa from MIS 6-2: population dynamics and paleoenvironments, 247-271, 2016
Mandater: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
Initial micromorphological results from Liang Bua, Flores (Indonesia): Site formation processes and hominin activities at the type locality of Homo floresiensis
MW Morley, P Goldberg, T Sutikna, MW Tocheri, LC Prinsloo, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science 77, 125-142, 2017
Mandater: Australian Research Council, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research …
A Middle Pleistocene Denisovan molar from the Annamite chain of northern Laos
F Demeter, C Zanolli, KE Westaway, R Joannes-Boyau, P Duringer, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 2557, 2022
Mandater: Australian Research Council, Villum Foundation, Wellcome Trust, European …
Hominin and animal activities in the microstratigraphic record from Denisova Cave (Altai Mountains, Russia)
MW Morley, P Goldberg, VA Uliyanov, MB Kozlikin, MV Shunkov, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 13785, 2019
Mandater: Australian Research Council
Geoarchaeological research in the humid tropics: A global perspective
MW Morley, P Goldberg
Journal of Archaeological Science 77, 1-9, 2017
Mandater: Australian Research Council
Tropical limestone forest resilience and late Pleistocene foraging during MIS-2 in the Tràng An massif, Vietnam
R Rabett, N Ludgate, C Stimpson, E Hill, C Hunt, J Ceron, L Farr, ...
Quaternary International 448, 62-81, 2017
Mandater: UK Natural Environment Research Council
The geoarchaeology of hominin dispersals to and from tropical Southeast Asia: A review and prognosis
MW Morley
Journal of Archaeological Science 77, 78-93, 2017
Mandater: Australian Research Council
The Pleistocene geoarchaeology and geochronology of Con Moong Cave, North Vietnam: Site formation processes and hominin activity in the humid tropics
C McAdams, MW Morley, X Fu, AV Kandyba, AP Derevianko, DT Nguyen, ...
Geoarchaeology 35 (1), 72-97, 2020
Mandater: Australian Research Council
Terminal Pleistocene and Early Holocene archaeology and stratigraphy of the southern Nejd, Oman
YH Hilbert, A Parton, MW Morley, LP Linnenlucke, Z Jacobs, ...
Quaternary International 382, 250-263, 2015
Mandater: Australian Research Council, UK Arts & Humanities Research Council
Early presence of Homo sapiens in Southeast Asia by 86–68 kyr at Tam Pà Ling, Northern Laos
SE Freidline, KE Westaway, R Joannes-Boyau, P Duringer, JL Ponche, ...
Nature communications 14 (1), 3193, 2023
Mandater: Australian Research Council
Archaeological evidence for indigenous human occupation of Southern Arabia at the Pleistocene/Holocene transition: The case of al-Hatab in Dhofar, Southern Oman
YH Hilbert, VI Usik, CS Galletti, A Parton, L Clark-Balzan, ...
Paléorient, 31-49, 2015
Mandater: UK Arts & Humanities Research Council
Connections between the Levant and the Balkans in the late Middle Pleistocene: archaeological findings from Velika and Mala Balanica Caves (Serbia)
D Mihailović, SL Kuhn, K Bogićević, V Dimitrijević, AB Marín-Arroyo, ...
Journal of Human Evolution 163, 103138, 2022
Mandater: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Ministry of …
Palaeoenvironmental and sea level changes during the Holocene in eastern Saudi Arabia and their implications for Neolithic populations
AG Parker, MW Morley, SJ Armitage, M Engel, A Parton, GW Preston, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 249, 106618, 2020
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Neanderthal settlement of the Central Balkans during MIS 5: evidence from Pešturina Cave, Serbia
D Mihailović, S Milošević, BAB Blackwell, N Mercier, SM Mentzer, ...
Quaternary International 610, 1-19, 2022
Mandater: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Ministry of …
The demise of the giant ape Gigantopithecus blacki
Y Zhang, KE Westaway, S Haberle, JK Lubeek, M Bailey, R Ciochon, ...
Nature 625 (7995), 535-539, 2024
Mandater: Australian Research Council, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Government of Spain
Taphonomic analyses of cave breccia in Southeast Asia: A review and future directions
HE Smith, MW Morley, J Louys
Open Quaternary 6, 13, 2020
Mandater: Australian Research Council
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