Andrew Ulvestad
Andrew Ulvestad
Tesla, University of Chicago, University of California: San Diego, Argonne National Lab
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Topological Defect Dynamics in Operando Battery Nanoparticles
A Ulvestad, A Singer, J Clark, J Cho, JW Kim, R Harder, J Maser, S Meng, ...
Science 348 (6241), 1344-1347, 2015
Nucleation of dislocations and their dynamics in layered oxide cathode materials during battery charging
A Singer, M Zhang, S Hy, D Cela, C Fang, TA Wynn, B Qiu, Y Xia, Z Liu, ...
Nature Energy 3 (8), 641-647, 2018
Single particle nanomechanics in operando batteries via lensless strain mapping
A Ulvestad, A Singer, HM Cho, JN Clark, R Harder, J Maser, YS Meng, ...
Nano letters 14 (9), 5123-5127, 2014
Bragg coherent diffractive imaging of single-grain defect dynamics in polycrystalline films
A Yau, W Cha, MW Kanan, GB Stephenson, A Ulvestad
Science 356 (6339), 739-742, 2017
Three-dimensional imaging of dislocation dynamics during the hydriding phase transformation
A Ulvestad, MJ Welland, W Cha, Y Liu, JW Kim, R Harder, E Maxey, ...
Nature materials 16 (5), 565-571, 2017
Avalanching strain dynamics during the hydriding phase transformation in individual palladium nanoparticles
A Ulvestad, MJ Welland, SSE Collins, R Harder, E Maxey, J Wingert, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 10092, 2015
Nonequilibrium Structural Dynamics of Nanoparticles in LiNi1/2Mn3/2O4 Cathode under Operando Conditions
A Singer, A Ulvestad, HM Cho, JW Kim, J Maser, R Harder, YS Meng, ...
Nano letters 14 (9), 5295-5300, 2014
3D imaging of twin domain defects in gold nanoparticles
A Ulvestad, JN Clark, R Harder, IK Robinson, OG Shpyrko
Nano letters 15 (6), 4066-4070, 2015
Measuring three-dimensional strain and structural defects in a single InGaAs nanowire using coherent X-ray multiangle Bragg projection ptychography
MO Hill, I Calvo-Almazan, M Allain, MV Holt, A Ulvestad, J Treu, ...
Nano letters 18 (2), 811-819, 2018
A brief review of current lithium ion battery technology and potential solid state battery technologies
A Ulvestad
arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.04317, 2018
Oxidation induced strain and defects in magnetite crystals
K Yuan, SS Lee, W Cha, A Ulvestad, H Kim, B Abdilla, NC Sturchio, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 703, 2019
Nanoscale strain mapping in battery nanostructures
A Ulvestad, HM Cho, R Harder, JW Kim, SH Dietze, E Fohtung, YS Meng, ...
Applied Physics Letters 104 (7), 2014
In situ 3D imaging of catalysis induced strain in gold nanoparticles
A Ulvestad, K Sasikumar, JW Kim, R Harder, E Maxey, JN Clark, ...
The journal of physical chemistry letters 7 (15), 3008-3013, 2016
Identifying defects with guided algorithms in bragg coherent diffractive imaging
A Ulvestad, Y Nashed, G Beutier, M Verdier, SO Hruszkewycz, M Dupraz
Scientific reports 7 (1), 9920, 2017
The self-healing of defects induced by the hydriding phase transformation in palladium nanoparticles
A Ulvestad, A Yau
Nature communications 8 (1), 1376, 2017
Operando synchrotron measurement of strain evolution in individual alloying anode particles within lithium batteries
FJQ Cortes, MG Boebinger, M Xu, A Ulvestad, MT McDowell
ACS Energy Letters 3 (2), 349-355, 2018
Stability limits and defect dynamics in Ag nanoparticles probed by bragg coherent diffractive imaging
Y Liu, PP Lopes, W Cha, R Harder, J Maser, E Maxey, MJ Highland, ...
Nano letters 17 (3), 1595-1601, 2017
Three dimensional variable-wavelength x-ray bragg coherent diffraction imaging
W Cha, A Ulvestad, M Allain, V Chamard, R Harder, SJ Leake, J Maser, ...
Physical Review Letters 117 (22), 225501, 2016
In situ strain evolution during a disconnection event in a battery nanoparticle
A Ulvestad, JN Clark, A Singer, D Vine, HM Cho, R Harder, YS Meng, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17 (16), 10551-10555, 2015
Strain mapping of CdTe grains in photovoltaic devices
I Calvo-Almazan, AP Ulvestad, E Colegrove, T Ablekim, MV Holt, MO Hill, ...
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 9 (6), 1790-1799, 2019
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