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The Astrophysical Journal 835 (2), 202, 2017
478 2017 The Early mirror universe: Inflation, baryogenesis, nucleosynthesis and dark matter Z Berezhiani, D Comelli, FL Villante
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218 2019 Big bang nucleosynthesis limit on E Lisi, S Sarkar, FL Villante
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180 1999 Structure formation with mirror dark matter: CMB and LSS Z Berezhiani, P Ciarcelluti, D Comelli, FL Villante
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175 2015 Quantifying uncertainties in primordial nucleosynthesis without Monte Carlo simulations G Fiorentini, E Lisi, S Sarkar, FL Villante
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162 1998 BBN bounds on active–sterile neutrino mixing AD Dolgov, FL Villante
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147 2004 Atmospheric neutrino flux supported by recent muon experiments G Fiorentini, VA Naumov, FL Villante
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146 2001 Response of primordial abundances to a general modification of and/or of the early universe expansion rate C Bambi, M Giannotti, FL Villante
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 71 (12), 123524, 2005
130 2005 How precisely can neutrino emission from supernova remnants be constrained<? format?> by gamma ray observations? FL Villante, F Vissani
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 78 (10), 103007, 2008
117 2008 The chemical composition of the Sun from helioseismic and solar neutrino data FL Villante, AM Serenelli, F Delahaye, MH Pinsonneault
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Physical Review D 66 (5), 053005, 2002
73 2002 Constraints on inflation from cosmic microwave background and Lyman-α forest S Hannestad, SH Hansen, FL Villante, AJS Hamilton
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