Faouzi Bader
Faouzi Bader
ISEP- Paris, France
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Computationally efficient power allocation algorithm in multicarrier-based cognitive radio networks: OFDM and FBMC systems
MSF Bader
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2010 (doi:10.1155/2010 …, 2010
Large generative ai models for telecom: The next big thing?
L Bariah, Q Zhao, H Zou, Y Tian, F Bader, M Debbah
IEEE Communications Magazine 62 (11), 84-90, 2024
Enhancing coverage in narrow band-IoT using machine learning
M Chafii, F Bader, J Palicot
2018 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 1-6, 2018
Asymptotically optimal resource allocation in OFDM-based cognitive networks with multiple relays
M Shaat, F Bader
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 11 (3), 892-897, 2012
Above-90GHz spectrum and single-carrier waveform as enablers for efficient Tbit/s wireless communications
JB Doré, Y Corre, S Bicais, J Palicot, E Faussurier, D Kténas, F Bader
2018 25th International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT), 274-278, 2018
Relay selection and resource allocation for two-way DF-AF cognitive radio networks
A Alsharoa, F Bader, MS Alouini
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 2 (4), 427-430, 2013
Enabling asynchronous machine-type D2D communication using multiple waveforms in 5G
C Sexton, Q Bodinier, A Farhang, N Marchetti, F Bader, LA DaSilva
IEEE internet of things journal 5 (2), 1307-1322, 2018
Orthogonal waveforms and filter banks for future communication systems
M Renfors, X Mestre, E Kofidis, F Bader
Academic Press, 2017
Enabling technologies for the ‘always best connected’concept
N Passas, S Paskalis, A Kaloxylos, F Bader, R Narcisi, E Tsontsis, ...
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 6 (4), 523-540, 2006
Spectrum sensing and resource allocation for multicarrier cognitive radio systems under interference and power constraints
S Dikmese, S Srinivasan, M Shaat, F Bader, M Renfors
EURASIP Journal on advances in signal processing 2014, 1-12, 2014
Sub-THz spectrum as enabler for 6G wireless communications up to 1 Tbit/s
Y Corre, G Gougeon, JB Doré, S Bicaïs, B Miscopein, E Faussurier, ...
6G Wireless Summit, 2019
On the use of filter bank based multicarrier modulation for professional mobile radio
M Renfors, F Bader, L Baltar, D Le Ruyet, D Roviras, P Mege, M Haardt, ...
2013 IEEE 77th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring), 1-5, 2013
A precoding-based PAPR reduction technique for UF-OFDM and filtered-OFDM modulations in 5G systems
MB Mabrouk, M Chafii, Y Louet, F Bader
European Wireless 2017; 23th European Wireless Conference, 1-6, 2017
A joint MMSE channel and noise variance estimation for OFDM/OQAM modulation
V Savaux, F Bader, Y Louët
IEEE Transactions on Communications 63 (11), 4254-4266, 2015
A two-step resource allocation algorithm in multicarrier based cognitive radio systems
M Shaat, F Bader
2010 IEEE Wireless Communication and Networking Conference, 1-6, 2010
Understanding telecom language through large language models
L Bariah, H Zou, Q Zhao, B Mouhouche, F Bader, M Debbah
GLOBECOM 2023-2023 IEEE Global Communications Conference, 6542-6547, 2023
Filter banks for next generation multicarrier wireless communications
M Renfors, P Siohan, B Farhang-Boroujeny, F Bader
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2010, 1-2, 2010
Low complexity power loading scheme in cognitive radio networks: FBMC capability
M Shaat, F Bader
2009 IEEE 20th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio …, 2009
Mean square error analysis and linear minimum mean square error application for preamble‐based channel estimation in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing/offset …
V Savaux, F Bader
IET communications 9 (14), 1763-1773, 2015
Interference alignment with frequency-clustering for efficient resource allocation in cognitive radio networks
M El-Absi, M Shaat, F Bader, T Kaiser
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 14 (12), 7070-7082, 2015
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