Artikler med mandater om offentlig tilgang - Marek SmagaLes mer
Ikke tilgjengelige noe sted: 27
Deformation-induced martensitic transformation in metastable austenitic steels
M Smaga, F Walther, D Eifler
Materials Science and Engineering: A 483, 394-397, 2008
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Characterization of deformation induced surface hardening during cryogenic turning of AISI 347
JC Aurich, P Mayer, B Kirsch, D Eifler, M Smaga, R Skorupski
CIRP Annals 63 (1), 65-68, 2014
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Microstructural investigation of the fatigue behavior and phase transformation in metastable austenitic steels at ambient and lower temperatures
F Hahnenberger, M Smaga, D Eifler
International Journal of Fatigue 69, 36-48, 2014
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Investigation of wear resistance of dry and cryogenic turned metastable austenitic steel shafts and dry turned and ground carburized steel shafts in the radial shaft seal ring …
D Frölich, B Magyar, B Sauer, P Mayer, B Kirsch, JC Aurich, R Skorupski, ...
Wear 328, 123-131, 2015
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Effect of metallurgical variables on the austenite stability in fatigued AISI 304 type steels
J Man, M Smaga, I Kuběna, D Eifler, J Polák
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 185, 139-159, 2017
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Investigation and modelling of theplasticity-induced martensite formation in metastable austenites: Dedicated to Professor Eckard Macherauch on the occasion of the 80th …
M Smaga, F Walther, D Eifler
International journal of materials research 97 (12), 1648-1655, 2006
Mandater: German Research Foundation
A combined phase field approach for martensitic transformations and damage
R Schmitt, C Kuhn, R Skorupski, M Smaga, D Eifler, R Müller
Archive of Applied Mechanics 85, 1459-1468, 2015
Mandater: German Research Foundation
High cycle fatigue behavior of high-Mn TWIP steel with different surface morphologies
MW Klein, B Blinn, M Smaga, T Beck
International Journal of Fatigue 134, 105499, 2020
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Influence of γ‐α′‐Phase Transformation in Metastable Austenitic Steels on the Mechanical Behavior During Tensile and Fatigue Loading at Ambient and Lower Temperatures
F Hahnenberger, M Smaga, D Eifler
Advanced Engineering Materials 14 (10), 853-858, 2012
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Microstructural characterization of cyclic deformation behavior of metastable austenitic stainless steel AISI 347 with different surface morphology
M Smaga, R Skorupski, D Eifler, T Beck
Journal of Materials Research 32 (23), 4452-4460, 2017
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Fatigue life calculation of metastable austenitic stainless steels on the basis of magnetic measurements
M Smaga, D Eifler
Materials Testing 51 (6), 370-375, 2009
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Influence of surface morphology on the fatigue behavior of metastable austenitic steel
R Skorupski, M Smaga, D Eifler
Advanced Materials Research 891, 464-469, 2014
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Microstructural changes caused by friction loading in high manganese TWIP steel and case-hardened 16MnCr5
A Brodyanski, MW Klein, R Merz, M Smaga, T Beck, M Kopnarski
Materials Characterization 163, 110231, 2020
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Fatigue monitoring of austenitic steels with electromagnetic acoustic transducers (EMATs)
A Sorich, M Smaga, D Eifler
Materials Performance and Characterization 4 (2), 263-274, 2015
Mandater: German Research Foundation, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
Phase transformation as a result of mechanical loading and turning of metastable austenitic steels
R Skorupski, M Smaga, D Eifler, P Mayer, JC Aurich
TMS2013 Supplemental Proceedings, 877-884, 2013
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Investigations of very high cycle fatigue behavior of metastable austenitic steels using servohydraulic and ultrasonic testing systems
T Daniel, A Boemke, M Smaga, T Beck
Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference 51593, V01BT01A071, 2018
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Influence of mechanical loading, temperature and chemical composition on the deformation induced martensite formation in metastable austenitic steels
F Hahnenberger, R Skorupski, M Smaga, D Eifler
Materials Science Forum 738, 217-221, 2013
Mandater: German Research Foundation
On the influence of cyclic loadings on the magnetic permeability of ferritic-pearlitic AISI 1045 steel
S Deldar, M Smaga, T Beck
International Journal of Fatigue 159, 106650, 2022
Mandater: German Research Foundation
Magneto-mechanical behavior of iron during monotonic and cyclic loading
M Smaga, L Scherthan, H Auerbach, JA Wolny, V Schünemann, T Beck
Solid State Phenomena 258, 456-459, 2017
Mandater: German Research Foundation
A phase field approach for martensitic transformations and crystal plasticity
R Schmitt, P Mayer, B Kirsch, J Aurich, C Kuhn, R Müller, K Bhattacharya
PAMM 14 (1), 383-384, 2014
Mandater: German Research Foundation
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