Axel Merkel
Axel Merkel
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Verifisert e-postadresse på regeringskansliet.se
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Much ado about nothing?–A meta-analysis of the relationship between infrastructure and economic growth
J Holmgren, A Merkel
Research in Transportation Economics 63, 13-26, 2017
Spatial competition and complementarity in European port regions
A Merkel
Journal of transport geography 61, 40-47, 2017
Dredging the depths of knowledge: Efficiency analysis in the maritime port sector
A Merkel, J Holmgren
Transport Policy 60, 63-74, 2017
Internalization of external and infrastructure costs related to maritime transport in Sweden
I Vierth, A Merkel
Research in Transportation Business & Management 44, 100580, 2022
Lessons from port sector regulatory reforms in Denmark: An analysis of port governance and institutional structure outcomes
A Merkel, SK Sløk-Madsen
Transport Policy 78, 31-41, 2019
Port call optimization and CO2-emissions savings–Estimating feasible potential in tramp shipping
A Merkel, J Kalantari, A Mubder
Maritime Transport Research 3, 100054, 2022
Competitive intensity and inefficiency in European container ports: An empirical investigation using SFA
A Merkel
Maritime Business Review 3 (2), 165-184, 2018
Economics of shore power under different access pricing
A Merkel, E Nyberg, K Ek, H Sjöstrand
Research in Transportation Economics 101, 101330, 2023
How (in) elastic is the demand for short-sea shipping? A review of elasticities and application of different models to Swedish freight flows
A Merkel, M Johansson, S Lindgren, I Vierth
Transport Reviews 42 (4), 551-571, 2022
Konkurrensyta land-sjö: vilken potential finns för överflyttning till sjöfart?
I Vierth, M Johansson, A Merkel, S Lindgren, R Karlsson, H Sjöstrand
Statens väg-och transportforskningsinstitut, 2020
Parking not included: The effect of paid residential parking on housing prices and its relationship with public transport proximity
A Bondemark, A Merkel
Regional Science and Urban Economics 99, 103877, 2023
Effects of fairway dues on the deployment and utilization of vessels: Lessons from a regression discontinuity design
A Merkel, S Lindgren
Transport Policy 126, 204-214, 2022
Konsekvensanalyser av justerade farleds-och lotsavgifter: kunskapsunderlag till avgiftsförändringar från 2023
A Merkel, M Johansson, I Vierth, S Lindgren, L Björk
Statens väg-och transportforskningsinstitut, 2021
Sjötrafik i Vänern och Mälaren: transportkostnader, avgifter och transportmönster
M Johansson, A Merkel, I Vierth
Statens väg-och transportforskningsinstitut, 2020
Effekter av Fit for 55 på sjötransporter: kostnader för svensk godstrafik
I Vierth, J Lind, A Merkel, E From, K Ek
Statens väg-och transportforskningsinstitut, 2022
On track towards improved regional development?: impacts of the Svealand rail line on labour earnings in the Mälaren region
AP Merkel, J Holmgren
Hållbar inlandssjöfart i Sverige: offentlig upphandling som effektivt styrmedel?
H Sjöstrand, A Merkel, I Vierth
Statens väg-och transportforskningsinstitut, 2021
Size, specialization and flexibility: the role of ports in a sustainable transport system
A Merkel, I Vierth, M Johansson, M Gonzales-Aregall, A Christodoulou, ...
Lighthouse, 2020
Anlöpsoptimering och energieffektivitet: skattning av maximal och realiserbar potential
J Kalantari, A Merkel, L Kjellsdotter Ivert, J Wehner, T Krzynski
Statens väg-och transportforskningsinstitut, 2022
Kartläggning av hamnarnas avgifter: framtagen inom projektet” Avgiftsmodell 2028”
A Merkel, I Vierth, S Jändel, A Kvarnefalk
Statens väg-och transportforskningsinstitut, 2022
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