Raimon Sunyer
Raimon Sunyer
Serra-Hunter Fellow (previous Ramon y Cajal), University of Barcelona
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Collective cell durotaxis emerges from long-range intercellular force transmission
R Sunyer, V Conte, J Escribano, A Elosegui-Artola, A Labernadie, L Valon, ...
Science 353 (6304), 1157-1161, 2016
Rigidity sensing and adaptation through regulation of integrin types
A Elosegui-Artola, E Bazellières, MD Allen, I Andreu, R Oria, R Sunyer, ...
Nature materials 13 (6), 631-637, 2014
Fabrication of hydrogels with steep stiffness gradients for studying cell mechanical response
R Sunyer, AJ Jin, R Nossal, DL Sackett
Public Library of Science 7 (10), e46107, 2012
Micropatterning of single endothelial cell shape reveals a tight coupling between nuclear volume in G1 and proliferation
P Roca-Cusachs, J Alcaraz, R Sunyer, J Samitier, R Farré, D Navajas
Biophysical journal 94 (12), 4984-4995, 2008
Mechanical guidance of cell migration: lessons from chemotaxis
P Roca-Cusachs, R Sunyer, X Trepat
Current opinion in cell biology 25 (5), 543-549, 2013
Ordering in the pyrochlore antiferromagnet due to Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interactions
M Elhajal, B Canals, R Sunyer, C Lacroix
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 71 (9), 094420, 2005
Rheology of passive and adhesion-activated neutrophils probed by atomic force microscopy
P Roca-Cusachs, I Almendros, R Sunyer, N Gavara, R Farré, D Navajas
Biophysical journal 91 (9), 3508-3518, 2006
R Sunyer, X Trepat
Current Biology 30 (9), R383-R387, 2020
Mapping cell-matrix stresses during stretch reveals inelastic reorganization of the cytoskeleton
N Gavara, P Roca-Cusachs, R Sunyer, R Farré, D Navajas
Biophysical journal 95 (1), 464-471, 2008
The temperature dependence of cell mechanics measured by atomic force microscopy
R Sunyer, X Trepat, JJ Fredberg, R Farre, D Navajas
Physical biology 6 (2), 025009, 2009
Long-lived force patterns and deformation waves at repulsive epithelial boundaries
P Rodríguez-Franco, A Brugués, A Marín-Llauradó, V Conte, G Solanas, ...
Nature materials 16 (10), 1029-1037, 2017
Generation of stable orthogonal gradients of chemical concentration and substrate stiffness in a microfluidic device
S Garcia, R Sunyer, A Olivares, J Noailly, J Atencia, X Trepat
Lab on a Chip 15 (12), 2606-2614, 2015
Cell dynamic adhesion and elastic properties probed with cylindrical atomic force microscopy cantilever tips
F Rico, P Roca‐Cusachs, R Sunyer, R Farré, D Navajas
Journal of Molecular Recognition: An Interdisciplinary Journal 20 (6), 459-466, 2007
Thrombin-induced contraction in alveolar epithelial cells probed by traction microscopy
N Gavara, R Sunyer, P Roca-Cusachs, R Farré, M Rotger, D Navajas
Journal of Applied Physiology 101 (2), 512-520, 2006
Monitoring developmental force distributions in reconstituted embryonic epithelia
L Przybyla, JN Lakins, R Sunyer, X Trepat, VM Weaver
Methods 94, 101-113, 2016
Mapping forces and kinematics during collective cell migration
X Serra-Picamal, V Conte, R Sunyer, JJ Muñoz, X Trepat
Methods in cell biology 125, 309-330, 2015
A hybrid computational model for collective cell durotaxis
J Escribano, R Sunyer, MT Sánchez, X Trepat, P Roca-Cusachs, ...
Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology 17, 1037-1052, 2018
Towards a robust criterion of anomalous diffusion
V Sposini, D Krapf, E Marinari, R Sunyer, F Ritort, F Taheri, ...
Communications Physics 5 (1), 305, 2022
Epidermal growth factor receptor and integrins control force-dependent vinculin recruitment to E-cadherin junctions
P Sehgal, X Kong, J Wu, R Sunyer, X Trepat, D Leckband
Journal of cell science 131 (6), jcs206656, 2018
Stiffness-dependent active wetting enables optimal collective cell durotaxis
ME Pallarès, I Pi-Jaumà, IC Fortunato, V Grazu, M Gómez-González, ...
Nature Physics 19 (2), 279-289, 2023
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