Federico Scozzafava
Federico Scozzafava
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SyntagNet: Challenging supervised word sense disambiguation with lexical-semantic combinations
M Maru, F Scozzafava, F Martelli, R Navigli
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2019
Personalized PageRank with syntagmatic information for multilingual word sense disambiguation
F Scozzafava, M Maru, F Brignone, G Torrisi, R Navigli
Proceedings of the 58th annual meeting of the association for computational …, 2020
CluBERT: A cluster-based approach for learning sense distributions in multiple languages
T Pasini, F Scozzafava, B Scarlini
Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2020
Automatic identification and disambiguation of concepts and named entities in the multilingual wikipedia
F Scozzafava, A Raganato, A Moro, R Navigli
AI* IA 2015 Advances in Artificial Intelligence: XIVth International …, 2015
Biopen–Fusing password choice and biometric interaction at presentation level
M De Marsico, F Ponzi, F Scozzafava, G Tortora
Pattern Recognition Letters 126, 92-101, 2019
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