Artikelen met mandaten voor openbare toegang - Fabian NippgenMeer informatie
Ergens beschikbaar: 8
Watershed memory at the C oweeta H ydrologic L aboratory: The effect of past precipitation and storage on hydrologic response
F Nippgen, BL McGlynn, RE Emanuel, JM Vose
Water Resources Research 52 (3), 1673-1695, 2016
Mandaten: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Agriculture
Creating a more perennial problem? Mountaintop removal coal mining enhances and sustains saline baseflows of Appalachian watersheds
F Nippgen, MRV Ross, ES Bernhardt, BL McGlynn
Environmental science & technology 51 (15), 8324-8334, 2017
Mandaten: US National Science Foundation
Pyrite Oxidation Drives Exceptionally High Weathering Rates and Geologic CO2 Release in Mountaintop‐Mined Landscapes
MRV Ross, F Nippgen, BA Hassett, BL McGlynn, ES Bernhardt
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 32 (8), 1182-1194, 2018
Mandaten: US National Science Foundation
The relative influence of storm and landscape characteristics on shallow groundwater responses in forested headwater catchments
NK Singh, RE Emanuel, F Nippgen, BL McGlynn, CF Miniat
Water Resources Research 54 (12), 9883-9900, 2018
Mandaten: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Agriculture
Excess nitrate export in mountaintop removal coal mining watersheds
AC Brooks, MRV Ross, F Nippgen, BL McGlynn, ES Bernhardt
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 124 (12), 3867-3880, 2019
Mandaten: US National Science Foundation
Mountaintop mining legacies constrain ecological, hydrological and biogeochemical recovery trajectories
MRV Ross, F Nippgen, BL McGlynn, CJ Thomas, AC Brooks, RK Shriver, ...
Environmental Research Letters 16 (7), 075004, 2021
Mandaten: US National Science Foundation
Quantification and mapping of satellite driven surface energy balance fluxes in semi-arid to arid inter-mountain region
B Acharya, V Sharma, J Heitholt, D Tekiela, F Nippgen
Remote Sensing 12 (24), 4019, 2020
Mandaten: US Department of Agriculture
Where the wild beavers are: Climate and landscape controls on beaver pond area in snow‐dominated rangeland headwaters
K Fitch, F Nippgen, SE Albeke, GB Paige
Ecohydrology 15 (4), e2418, 2022
Mandaten: US Department of Agriculture
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