Keto–enol tautomerism, conformations, and structure of 1-[N-(4-chlorophenyl)] aminomethylidene-2 (1H) naphthalenone H Ünver, M Kabak, DM Zengin, TN Durlu Journal of chemical crystallography 31, 203-209, 2001 | 105 | 2001 |
Intramolecular hydrogen bonding and tautomerism in N-(3-pyridil)-2-oxo-1-naphthylidenemethylamine H Ünver, M Yıldız, DM Zengin, S Özbey, E Kendi Journal of chemical crystallography 31, 211-216, 2001 | 101 | 2001 |
Intramolecular hydrogen bonding and tautomerism in 1-[N-(4-bromophenyl)] aminomethylidene-2 (1H) naphthalenone H Ünver, DM Zengin, K Güven Journal of Chemical Crystallography 30, 359-364, 2000 | 53 | 2000 |
Göçmen edebiyatı'nda yeni bir yazar. Mehmet Kılıç ve" fühle dich wie zu hause" adlı romanı D Zengin Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi 40 (3-4), 103-135, 2000 | 46 | 2000 |
Synthesis and Keto‐Enol Tautomerism in N‐(2‐Hydroxy‐1‐Naphthylidene) Anils H Ünver, K Polat, M Uçar, DM Zengin Spectroscopy letters 36 (4), 287-301, 2003 | 43 | 2003 |
Intramolecular hydrogen bonding and tautomerism in 1-[N-(4-bromophenyl)] aminomethylidene-2 (1H) naphthalenone H Unver, DM Zengin, K Guven Journal of chemical crystallography 30 (5), 359-364, 2000 | 38 | 2000 |
Türk toplumunda adlar ve soyadları: sosyo-kültürel ve dilbilimsel bir yaklaşım D Zengin Kurmay, 2014 | 25 | 2014 |
Synthesis, Spectroscopic Studies and Crystal Structure of N,N′-bis((thiophene-2-carboxamido)propyl)piperazine A Balaban, N Colak, H Ünver, B Erk, TN Durlu, DM Zengin Journal of Chemical Crystallography 38, 369-372, 2008 | 24 | 2008 |
Türkçenin tersine sözlüğü D Zengin Kurmay, 2009 | 22 | 2009 |
Her yönüyle modern Almanca: alıştırmalar ve cevaplar;[nach den neuen deutschen Rechtschreiberegeln] D Zengin Kurmay, 2010 | 21 | 2010 |
Alman edebiyatı: 19. yüzyıldan günümüze kadar D Zengin Kurmay, 2011 | 20 | 2011 |
Grinding process for beveling and lapping operations in lens manufacturing ÖF Farsakoğlu, DM Zengin, H Kocabaş Applied Optics 39 (10), 1541-1548, 2000 | 19 | 2000 |
ESR of gamma irradiation damage centers in single crystals of some glutamic acid derivatives DM Zengin, M Birey, H Aktas, A Hancer, AM Murathan Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A 51 (8), 895-897, 1996 | 17 | 1996 |
Almancaya çevrilen Türk masallarında çeviri sorunları D Zengin Atatürk Kültür, Dil ve Tarih Yüksek Kurumu, 2006 | 16 | 2006 |
Tekerlemelerin çevirisi D Zengin Dil Dergisi, 44-54, 2004 | 16 | 2004 |
Determination of some main parameters for quantum values of GaAlAs/GaAs transmission-mode photocathodes in near-ir region OF Farsakoglu, DM Zengin, H Kocabas Optical Engineering 32 (5), 1105-1113, 1993 | 16 | 1993 |
Crystal Structure and Tautomerism of 1-[N-(4-Iodophenyl)] aminomethylidene-2 (1H) naphthalenone H Ünver, M Kabak, DM Zengin, TN Durlu Zeitschrift für Naturforschung B 56 (10), 1003-1008, 2001 | 13 | 2001 |
Ortaögretim ve Üniversitedeki Ögrencilerle Adlar Üzerine Bir Anket D Zengin Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi 41 (1-2), 69-93, 2001 | 11 | 2001 |
Çağdaş Alman edebiyatından kısa hikayeler antolojisi D Zengin TC Kültür Bakanlığı, 2000 | 11 | 2000 |
Synthesis and crystal structure of bis [N-(2-fluoro-3-methoxy)-salicylideneaminato] copper (II) H Ünver, DM Zengin, TN Durlu Journal of chemical crystallography 33 (4), 253-256, 2003 | 10 | 2003 |