Artikelen met mandaten voor openbare toegang - Michael P. SearleMeer informatie
Nergens beschikbaar: 6
A geochronological and petrological study of anatectic paragneiss and associated granite dykes from the D ay N ui C on V oi metamorphic core complex, N orth V ietnam …
RM Palin, MP Searle, DJ Waters, RR Parrish, NMW Roberts, ...
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 31 (4), 359-387, 2013
Mandaten: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Compressional metamorphic core complexes, low-angle normal faults and extensional fabrics in compressional tectonic settings
MP Searle, TN Lamont
Geological Magazine 157 (1), 101-118, 2020
Mandaten: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Quantifying the P–T–t conditions of north–south Lhasa terrane accretion: new insight into the pre‐Himalayan architecture of the Tibetan plateau
OM Weller, MR St‐Onge, MP Searle, DJ Waters, N Rayner, S Chen, ...
Journal of metamorphic Geology 33 (1), 91-113, 2015
Mandaten: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Towards resolving the metamorphic enigma of the Indian Plate in the NW Himalaya of Pakistan
PJ Treloar, RM Palin, MP Searle
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 483 (1), 255-279, 2019
Mandaten: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Contemporaneous crust-derived I-and S-type granite magmatism and normal faulting on Tinos, Delos, and Naxos, Greece: Constraints on Aegean orogenic collapse
TN Lamont, NMW Roberts, MP Searle, NJ Gardiner, P Gopon, YT Hsieh, ...
Bulletin 135 (11-12), 2797-2829, 2023
Mandaten: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Himalayan leucogranites: field relationships and tectonics
M Searle, J Cottle
Elements 20 (6), 373-380, 2024
Mandaten: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Ergens beschikbaar: 50
Himalayan megathrust geometry and relation to topography revealed by the Gorkha earthquake
JR Elliott, R Jolivet, PJ González, JP Avouac, J Hollingsworth, MP Searle, ...
Nature Geoscience 9 (2), 174-180, 2016
Mandaten: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Synchronous formation of the metamorphic sole and igneous crust of the Semail ophiolite: New constraints on the tectonic evolution during ophiolite formation from high …
M Rioux, J Garber, A Bauer, S Bowring, M Searle, P Kelemen, B Hacker
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 451, 185-195, 2016
Mandaten: US National Science Foundation, US National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Integrated pressure–temperature–time constraints for the T so M orari dome (N orthwest I ndia): implications for the burial and exhumation path of UHP units in the western H …
MR St‐Onge, N Rayner, RM Palin, MP Searle, DJ Waters
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 31 (5), 469-504, 2013
Mandaten: UK Natural Environment Research Council
U–Pb zircon ages for Yarlung Tsangpo suture zone ophiolites, southwestern Tibet and their tectonic implications
GHN Chan, JC Aitchison, QG Crowley, MSA Horstwood, MP Searle, ...
Gondwana Research 27 (2), 719-732, 2015
Mandaten: UK Natural Environment Research Council, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
Quantifying Barrovian metamorphism in the Danba structural culmination of eastern Tibet
OM Weller, MR St‐Onge, DJ Waters, N Rayner, MP Searle, SL Chung, ...
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 31 (9), 909-935, 2013
Mandaten: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Evidence for melting mud in Earth’s mantle from extreme oxygen isotope signatures in zircon
CJ Spencer, AJ Cavosie, TD Raub, H Rollinson, H Jeon, MP Searle, ...
Geology 45 (11), 975-978, 2017
Mandaten: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Monazite geochronology and petrology of kyanite-and sillimanite-grade migmatites from the northwestern flank of the eastern Himalayan syntaxis
RM Palin, MP Searle, MR St-Onge, DJ Waters, NMW Roberts, ...
Gondwana Research 26 (1), 323-347, 2014
Mandaten: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Phase equilibria modelling of retrograde amphibole and clinozoisite in mafic eclogite from the Tso Morari massif, northwest India: constraining the PTM(H2O …
RM Palin, MR St‐Onge, DJ Waters, MP Searle, B Dyck
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 32 (7), 675-693, 2014
Mandaten: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Thermo‐kinematic evolution of the A nnapurna‐D haulagiri H imalaya, central N epal: The C omposite O rogenic S ystem
AJ Parsons, RD Law, GE Lloyd, RJ Phillips, MP Searle
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 17 (4), 1511-1539, 2016
Mandaten: US National Science Foundation, UK Natural Environment Research Council, UK …
U–Pb zircon geochronology and phase equilibria modelling of a mafic eclogite from the Sumdo complex of south-east Tibet: insights into prograde zircon growth and the assembly …
OM Weller, MR St-Onge, N Rayner, DJ Waters, MP Searle, RM Palin
Lithos 262, 729-741, 2016
Mandaten: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Timing of metamorphism of the Lansang gneiss and implications for left-lateral motion along the Mae Ping (Wang Chao) strike-slip fault, Thailand
RM Palin, MP Searle, CK Morley, P Charusiri, MSA Horstwood, ...
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 76, 120-136, 2013
Mandaten: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Age and anatomy of the Gongga Shan batholith, eastern Tibetan Plateau, and its relationship to the active Xianshui-he fault
MP Searle, NMW Roberts, SL Chung, YH Lee, KL Cook, JR Elliott, ...
Geosphere 12 (3), 948-970, 2016
Mandaten: National Natural Science Foundation of China, UK Natural Environment …
6.11-Mountain Building, Tectonic Evolution, Rheology, and Crustal Flow in the Himalaya, Karakoram, and Tibet
MP Searle, G Schubert
Treatise on geophysics 6, 469-511, 2015
Mandaten: UK Natural Environment Research Council
Timing of syenite‐charnockite magmatism and ruby and sapphire metamorphism in the Mogok Valley Region, Myanmar
MP Searle, JM Garber, BR Hacker, K Htun, NJ Gardiner, DJ Waters, ...
Tectonics 39 (3), e2019TC005998, 2020
Mandaten: US National Science Foundation
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