Najwa Alghamdi
Najwa Alghamdi
King Saud University, Saudi Telco Company (stc)
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A corpus of audio-visual Lombard speech with frontal and profile views
N Alghamdi, S Maddock, R Marxer, J Barker, GJ Brown
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 143 (6), EL523-EL529, 2018
The impact of the Lombard effect on audio and visual speech recognition systems
R Marxer, J Barker, N Alghamdi, S Maddock
Speech communication 100, 58-68, 2018
Sentiment analysis for cruises in Saudi Arabia on social media platforms using machine learning algorithms
B Al Sari, R Alkhaldi, D Alsaffar, T Alkhaldi, H Almaymuni, N Alnaim, ...
Journal of big Data 9 (1), 21, 2022
How social media influencers affect consumers' restaurant selection: statistical and sentiment analysis
R AlQadi, H Al-Nojaidi, L Alabdulkareem, M Alrazgan, N Alghamdi, ...
2020 2nd International Conference on Computer and Information Sciences …, 2020
Multi-aspect oriented sentiment classification: prior knowledge topic modelling and ensemble learning classifier approach
N AlGhamdi, S Khatoon, M Alshamari
Applied Sciences 12 (8), 4066, 2022
The impact of automatic exaggeration of the visual articulatory features of a talker on the intelligibility of spectrally distorted speech
N Alghamdi, S Maddock, J Barker, GJ Brown
Speech Communication 95, 127-136, 2017
Trials and tribulations of BCI control applications
N Al-Ghamdi, G Al-Hudhud, M Alzamel, A Al-Wabil
2013 Science and Information Conference, 212-217, 2013
An eye on riyadh tourist season: Using geo-tagged snapchat posts to analyse tourists impression
N Alghamdi, N Alageeli, DA Sharkh, M Alqahtani, M Al-Razgan
2020 2nd International conference on computer and information sciences …, 2020
Crowd behavior analysis using snap map: A preliminary study on the grand holy mosque in mecca
N Alghamdi, N Alrajebah, S Al-Megren
Companion Publication of the 2019 Conference on Computer Supported …, 2019
The effect of the Arabic computer rehabilitation program “Rannan” on sound detection and discrimination in children with cochlear implants
A Hagr, SN Garadat, SM Hassan, K Malki, Y Al Ohali, N Al Ghamdi, ...
Journal of the American Academy of Audiology 27 (05), 380-387, 2016
Virtual reality technology and speech analysis for people who stutter
A Al-Nafjan, N Alghamdi, A Almudhi
EMITTER International Journal of Engineering Technology 9 (2), 326-338, 2021
The design and development of an interactive aural rehabilitation therapy program
NM Al-Ghamdi, Y Al-Ohali
Proceedings of the 12th international ACM SIGACCESS conference on Computers …, 2010
Improving sentiment prediction using heterogeneous and homogeneous ensemble methods: A Comparative study
N AlGhamdi, S Khatoon
Procedia Computer Science 194, 60-68, 2021
Rannan: Computer Based Auditory Training For Arabic-speaking Children.
N AlGhamdi, Y AlOhali
EdMedia+ Innovate Learning, 3225-3230, 2010
Visual speech enhancement and its application in speech perception training
N Alghamdi
University of Sheffield, 2017
Investigating the impact of artificial enhancement of lip visibility on the intelligibility of spectrally-distorted speech.
N Alghamdi, S Maddock, GJ Brown, J Barker
AVSP, 93-98, 2015
A comparison of audiovisual and auditory-only training on the perception of spectrally-distorted speech
N Alghamdi, S Maddock, GJ Brown, J Barker
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 120 (5), 2421-2424, 2006
The Design and Development of 3D Auditory Environment for Computer-Based Aural Rehabilitation Programs
N AlGhamdi, Y AlOhali
2010 Fifth International Multi-conference on Computing in the Global …, 2010
Working Towards Culturally Sensitive Predictive Models
S Al-Megren, N Alghamdi
With an Eye to the Future: HCI Research and Practice in the Arab World, 2019
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