David Houben
David Houben
Associate Professor, Dr, HDR, UniLaSalle, AGHYLE, Beauvais
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Mobility, bioavailability and pH-dependent leaching of cadmium, zinc and lead in a contaminated soil amended with biochar
D Houben, L Evrard, P Sonnet
Chemosphere 92 (11), 1450-1457, 2013
Beneficial effects of biochar application to contaminated soils on the bioavailability of Cd, Pb and Zn and the biomass production of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.)
D Houben, L Evrard, P Sonnet
Biomass and Bioenergy 57, 196-204, 2013
Plant functional traits: soil and ecosystem services
MP Faucon, D Houben, H Lambers
Trends in plant science 22 (5), 385-394, 2017
Heavy metal immobilization by cost-effective amendments in a contaminated soil: effects on metal leaching and phytoavailability
D Houben, J Pircar, P Sonnet
Journal of Geochemical Exploration 123, 87-94, 2012
Potential use of mealworm frass as a fertilizer: Impact on crop growth and soil properties
D Houben, G Daoulas, MP Faucon, AM Dulaurent
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 4659, 2020
Impact of biochar and root-induced changes on metal dynamics in the rhizosphere of Agrostis capillaris and Lupinus albus
D Houben, P Sonnet
Chemosphere 139, 644-651, 2015
Advances and perspectives to improve the phosphorus availability in cropping systems for agroecological phosphorus management
MP Faucon, D Houben, JP Reynoird, AM Mercadal-Dulaurent, R Armand, ...
Advances in agronomy 134, 51-79, 2015
Biochar from Miscanthus: a potential silicon fertilizer
D Houben, P Sonnet, JT Cornelis
Plant and Soil 374, 871-882, 2014
Comparison of EDTA-enhanced phytoextraction and phytostabilisation strategies with Lolium perenne on a heavy metal contaminated soil
T Lambrechts, Q Gustot, E Couder, D Houben, A Iserentant, S Lutts
Chemosphere 85 (8), 1290-1298, 2011
Evaluation of the long‐term effect of biochar on properties of temperate agricultural soil at pre‐industrial charcoal kiln sites in Wallonia, Belgium
B Hardy, JT Cornelis, D Houben, J Leifeld, R Lambert, JE Dufey
European Journal of Soil Science 68 (1), 80-89, 2017
Efficiency of KOH-modified rice straw-derived biochar for reducing cadmium mobility, bioaccessibility and bioavailability risk index in red soil
S Bashir, Q Hussain, ZHU Jun, FU Qingling, D Houben, HU Hongqing
Pedosphere 30 (6), 874-882, 2020
Zinc mineral weathering as affected by plant roots
D Houben, P Sonnet
Applied Geochemistry 27 (8), 1587-1592, 2012
The effect of pre‐industrial charcoal kilns on chemical properties of forest soil of W allonia, B elgium
B Hardy, JT Cornelis, D Houben, R Lambert, JE Dufey
European Journal of Soil Science 67 (2), 206-216, 2016
Impact of root-induced mobilization of zinc on stable Zn isotope variation in the soil–plant system
D Houben, P Sonnet, G Tricot, N Mattielli, E Couder, S Opfergelt
Environmental science & technology 48 (14), 7866-7873, 2014
Tradeoffs among phosphorus-acquisition root traits of crop species for agroecological intensification
N Honvault, D Houben, C Nobile, S Firmin, H Lambers, MP Faucon
Plant and Soil, 2020
Leachability of cadmium, lead, and zinc in a long-term spontaneously revegetated slag heap: implications for phytostabilization
D Houben, E Couder, P Sonnet
Journal of Soils and Sediments 13, 543-554, 2013
Phosphorus-acquisition strategies of canola, wheat and barley in soil amended with sewage sludges
C Nobile, D Houben, E Michel, S Firmin, H Lambers, E Kandeler, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 14878, 2019
The influence of weathering and soil organic matter on Zn isotopes in soils
S Opfergelt, JT Cornélis, D Houben, C Givron, KW Burton, N Mattielli
Chemical Geology 466, 140-148, 2017
Characterization of metal binding sites onto biochar using rare earth elements as a fingerprint
O Pourret, D Houben
Heliyon 4 (2), 2018
Response of phosphorus dynamics to sewage sludge application in an agroecosystem in northern France
D Houben, E Michel, C Nobile, H Lambers, E Kandeler, MP Faucon
Applied Soil Ecology 137, 178-186, 2019
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