Artikelen met mandaten voor openbare toegang - Sylvain MonnierMeer informatie
Nergens beschikbaar: 1
Optogenetically controlled inflammasome activation demonstrates two phases of cell swelling during pyroptosis
J Nadjar, S Monnier, E Bastien, AL Huber, C Oddou, L Bardoulet, ...
Science Signaling 17 (833), eabn8003, 2024
Mandaten: European Commission, Agence Nationale de la Recherche, Swiss Cancer League
Ergens beschikbaar: 15
Size control in mammalian cells involves modulation of both growth rate and cell cycle duration
C Cadart, S Monnier, J Grilli, PJ Sáez, N Srivastava, R Attia, E Terriac, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 3275, 2018
Mandaten: UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, Cancer Research …
Optical volume and mass measurements show that mammalian cells swell during mitosis
E Zlotek-Zlotkiewicz, S Monnier, G Cappello, M Le Berre, M Piel
Journal of Cell Biology 211 (4), 765-774, 2015
Mandaten: European Commission
High-frequency mechanical properties of tumors measured by Brillouin light scattering
J Margueritat, A Virgone-Carlotta, S Monnier, H Delanoë-Ayari, ...
Physical review letters 122 (1), 018101, 2019
Mandaten: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Human Fidgetin is a microtubule severing the enzyme and minus-end depolymerase that regulates mitosis
S Mukherjee, JDD Valencia, S Stewman, J Metz, S Monnier, U Rath, ...
Cell cycle 11 (12), 2359-2366, 2012
Mandaten: US National Institutes of Health
Extracellular matrix in multicellular aggregates acts as a pressure sensor controlling cell proliferation and motility
ME Dolega, S Monnier, B Brunel, JF Joanny, P Recho, G Cappello
Elife 10, e63258, 2021
Mandaten: National Institute of Health and Medical Research, France, Agence Nationale …
Effect of an osmotic stress on multicellular aggregates
S Monnier, M Delarue, B Brunel, ME Dolega, A Delon, G Cappello
Methods 94, 114-119, 2016
Mandaten: National Institute of Health and Medical Research, France
Elastography of multicellular aggregates submitted to osmo-mechanical stress
CE Leroux, J Palmier, AC Boccara, G Cappello, S Monnier
New Journal of Physics 17 (7), 073035, 2015
Mandaten: National Institute of Health and Medical Research, France
Probing molecular crowding in compressed tissues with Brillouin light scattering
G Yan, S Monnier, M Mouelhi, T Dehoux
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (4), e2113614119, 2022
Mandaten: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Machine learning-based detection of label-free cancer stem-like cell fate
AJ Chambost, N Berabez, O Cochet-Escartin, F Ducray, M Gabut, C Isaac, ...
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 19066, 2022
Mandaten: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
An adder behavior in mammalian cells achieves size control by modulation of growth rate and cell cycle duration
C Cadart, S Monnier, J Grilli, R Attia, E Terriac, B Baum, ...
Available at SSRN 3155881, 2018
Mandaten: Cancer Research UK, European Commission
High-resolution volume imaging of neurons by the use of fluorescence exclusion method and dedicated microfluidic devices
C Braïni, A Mottolese, I Ferrante, S Monnier, C Villard
Journal of Visualized Experiments: JoVE, 56923, 2018
Mandaten: European Commission
Ninjurin-1 mediated plasma membrane rupture is a two-step process requiring cell swelling
E Hartenian, EM Bernard, G Ammirati, S Monnier, HB Leloup, M Agustoni, ...
Biorxiv, 2024.10. 29.620849, 2024
Mandaten: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
An optogenetic approach to control and monitor inflammasome activation
J Nadjar, S Monnier, E Bastien, AL Huber, C Oddou, L Bardoulet, G Ichim, ...
Biorxiv, 2023.07. 25.550490, 2023
Mandaten: European Commission, Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Mitosis sets nuclear homeostasis of cancer cells under confinement
M Mouelhi, A Saffon, M Roinard, H Delanoë-Ayari, S Monnier, C Rivière
bioRxiv, 2023.05. 11.540326, 2023
Mandaten: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Predicting nanocarriers’ efficacy in 3D models with Brillouin microscopy
G Guerriero, A Viel, V Feltri, A Balboni, G Yan, S Monnier, G Lollo, ...
Nanoscale 15 (47), 19255-19267, 2023
Mandaten: Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Vlaanderen), Federal Ministry of Education …
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