Artikelen met mandaten voor openbare toegang - Marcus T. WolfeMeer informatie
Nergens beschikbaar: 2
In the eye of the beholder? The returns to beauty and IQ for the self‐employed
PC Patel, MT Wolfe
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 15 (4), 487-525, 2021
Mandaten: US National Institutes of Health
The triple‐edged sword of sensitivity of sales, cash flows, and debt to investments: Venture survival and capital investments
PC Patel, MT Wolfe, MJ Guedes
Managerial and Decision Economics 44 (1), 473-489, 2023
Mandaten: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
Ergens beschikbaar: 1
Self-employment and allostatic load
PC Patel, MT Wolfe, TA Williams
Journal of Business Venturing 34 (4), 731-751, 2019
Mandaten: US National Institutes of Health, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur …
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