Artikelen met mandaten voor openbare toegang - Adam DrewnowskiMeer informatie
Nergens beschikbaar: 11
The contribution of milk and milk products to micronutrient density and affordability of the US diet
A Drewnowski
Journal of the American College of Nutrition 30 (sup5), 422S-428S, 2011
Mandaten: US National Institutes of Health
Diet quality measures and cardiovascular risk factors in France: applying the Healthy Eating Index to the SU. VI. MAX study
A Drewnowski, EC Fiddler, L Dauchet, P Galan, S Hercberg
Journal of the American college of nutrition 28 (1), 22-29, 2009
Mandaten: US National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Health and Medical …
New metrics of affordable nutrition: which vegetables provide most nutrients for least cost?
A Drewnowski
Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 113 (9), 1182-1187, 2013
Mandaten: US National Institutes of Health
Fats and food texture: sensory and hedonic evaluations
A Drewnowski
Food texture, 251-272, 2017
Mandaten: US National Institutes of Health
Energy density of foods and diets in Mexico and their monetary cost by socioeconomic strata: analyses of ENSANUT data 2012
A Mendoza, AE Pérez, A Aggarwal, A Drewnowski
J Epidemiol Community Health 71 (7), 713-721, 2017
Mandaten: US National Institutes of Health
Impact of nutrition interventions and dietary nutrient density on productivity in the workplace
A Drewnowski
Nutrition reviews 78 (3), 215-224, 2020
Mandaten: US National Institutes of Health
Plant-based milk alternatives in the USDA Branded Food Products Database would benefit from nutrient density standards
A Drewnowski
Nature Food 2 (8), 567-569, 2021
Mandaten: US Department of Agriculture, State of Califonia
Matters Arising: Food Compass novelty and NOVA category assignments
A Drewnowski
Nature Food 3 (8), 581-583, 2022
Mandaten: State of Califonia
A neural basis for food foraging in obesity
E Almiron-Roig, MA Pastor, JA Martínez, A Drewnowski
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42, 2019
Mandaten: German Research Foundation
The perceived importance of a healthy diet predicts retail outlet choice, food purchases and body weight
A Drewnowski, A Aggarwal, P Hurvitz, T Hastert, AV Moudon
Journal of the American Dietetic Association 110 (9), A13, 2010
Mandaten: US National Institutes of Health
Lower Diet Cost Is Associated with Higher Intake of Fat and Added Sugars and Lower Intakes of Micronutrients
A Aggarwal, P Monsivais, T Hastert, A Drewnowski
Journal of the American Dietetic Association 110 (9), A103, 2010
Mandaten: US National Institutes of Health
Ergens beschikbaar: 129
Contribution of food prices and diet cost to socioeconomic disparities in diet quality and health: a systematic review and analysis
N Darmon, A Drewnowski
Nutrition reviews 73 (10), 643-660, 2015
Mandaten: US National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Health and Medical …
Obesity pathogenesis: an endocrine society scientific statement
MW Schwartz, RJ Seeley, LM Zeltser, A Drewnowski, E Ravussin, ...
Endocrine reviews 38 (4), 267-296, 2017
Mandaten: US National Institutes of Health
Concepts and critical perspectives for food environment research: a global framework with implications for action in low-and middle-income countries
C Turner, A Aggarwal, H Walls, A Herforth, A Drewnowski, J Coates, ...
Global food security 18, 93-101, 2018
Mandaten: Department of International Development, UK
A systems-oriented multilevel framework for addressing obesity in the 21st century
TT Huang, A Drewnowski, SK Kumanyika, TA Glass
Preventing chronic disease 6 (3), A82, 2009
Mandaten: US National Institutes of Health, Canadian Institutes of Health Research
The cost of US foods as related to their nutritive value
A Drewnowski
The American journal of clinical nutrition 92 (5), 1181-1188, 2010
Mandaten: US National Institutes of Health
Cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease, and diabetes mortality burden of cardiometabolic risk factors from 1980 to 2010: a comparative risk assessment
G Danaei, Y Lu, GM Singh, E Carnahan, GA Stevens, MJ Cowan, ...
The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology 2 (8), 634, 2014
Mandaten: US National Institutes of Health, British Heart Foundation, UK Medical …
Carbon dioxide (CO2) levels this century will alter the protein, micronutrients, and vitamin content of rice grains with potential health consequences for the poorest …
C Zhu, K Kobayashi, I Loladze, J Zhu, Q Jiang, X Xu, G Liu, S Seneweera, ...
Science advances 4 (5), eaaq1012, 2018
Mandaten: Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Sweetness and food preference
A Drewnowski, JA Mennella, SL Johnson, F Bellisle
The Journal of nutrition 142 (6), 1142S-1148S, 2012
Mandaten: US National Institutes of Health
Time spent on home food preparation and indicators of healthy eating
P Monsivais, A Aggarwal, A Drewnowski
American journal of preventive medicine 47 (6), 796-802, 2014
Mandaten: US National Institutes of Health, British Heart Foundation, UK Economic and …
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