Susan Ashford
Susan Ashford
Michael and Susan Jandernoa Professor of Management and Organization, University of Michigan
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The dynamics of proactivity at work
AM Grant, SJ Ashford
Research in organizational behavior 28, 3-34, 2008
Content, cause, and consequences of job insecurity: A theory-based measure and substantive test
SJ Ashford, C Lee, P Bobko
Academy of Management journal 32 (4), 803-829, 1989
Who will lead and who will follow? A social process of leadership identity construction in organizations
DS DeRue, SJ Ashford
Academy of management review 35 (4), 627-647, 2010
Feedback as an individual resource: Personal strategies of creating information
SJ Ashford, LL Cummings
Organizational behavior and human performance 32 (3), 370-398, 1983
COVID-19 and the workplace: Implications, issues, and insights for future research and action.
KM Kniffin, J Narayanan, F Anseel, J Antonakis, SP Ashford, AB Bakker, ...
American psychologist 76 (1), 63, 2021
Selling issues to top management
JE Dutton, SJ Ashford
Academy of management review 18 (3), 397-428, 1993
Intra-and interorganizational cooperation: Toward a research agenda
KG Smith, SJ Carroll, SJ Ashford
Academy of Management journal 38 (1), 7-23, 1995
Proactivity during organizational entry: The role of desire for control.
SJ Ashford, JS Black
Journal of Applied psychology 81 (2), 199, 1996
Feedback-seeking in individual adaptation: A resource perspective
SJ Ashford
Academy of Management journal 29 (3), 465-487, 1986
Self-regulation for managerial effectiveness: The role of active feedback seeking
SJ Ashford, AS Tsui
Academy of Management journal 34 (2), 251-280, 1991
Reflections on the looking glass: A review of research on feedback-seeking behavior in organizations
SJ Ashford, R Blatt, D VandeWalle
Journal of management 29 (6), 773-799, 2003
Moves that matter: Issue selling and organizational change
JE Dutton, SJ Ashford, RM O'Neill, KA Lawrence
Academy of Management journal 44 (4), 716-736, 2001
Reading the wind: How middle managers assess the context for selling issues to top managers
JE Dutton, SJ Ashford, RM O’neill, E Hayes, EE Wierba
Strategic management journal 18 (5), 407-423, 1997
Out on a limb: The role of context and impression management in selling gender-equity issues
SJ Ashford, NP Rothbard, SK Piderit, JE Dutton
Administrative Science Quarterly, 23-57, 1998
Individual strategies for coping with stress during organizational transitions
SJ Ashford
The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 24 (1), 19-36, 1988
Agony and ecstasy in the gig economy: Cultivating holding environments for precarious and personalized work identities
G Petriglieri, SJ Ashford, A Wrzesniewski
Administrative science quarterly 64 (1), 124-170, 2019
Proactive feedback seeking: The instrumental use of the information environment
SJ Ashford, LL Cummings
Journal of occupational psychology 58 (1), 67-79, 1985
Self-regulation of creativity at work: The role of feedback-seeking behavior in creative performance
KEM De Stobbeleir, SJ Ashford, D Buyens
Academy of management journal 54 (4), 811-831, 2011
From surviving to thriving in the gig economy: A research agenda for individuals in the new world of work
SJ Ashford, BB Caza, EM Reid
Research in Organizational Behavior 38, 23-41, 2018
Self-assessments in organizations-a literature-review and integrative model
SJ Ashford
Research in organizational behavior 11, 133-174, 1989
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