Artikelen met mandaten voor openbare toegang - Susan AshfordMeer informatie
Nergens beschikbaar: 2
Working on my own: Measuring the challenges of gig work
BB Caza, EM Reid, SJ Ashford, S Granger
Human Relations 75 (11), 2122-2159, 2022
Mandaten: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
Adapting to a jolt: A mixed methods study identifying challenges and personal resources impacting professional gig workers' well-being during COVID-19
S Granger, BB Caza, SJ Ashford, EM Reid
Journal of Vocational Behavior 138, 103784, 2022
Mandaten: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
Ergens beschikbaar: 5
Job insecurity and the changing workplace: Recent developments and the future trends in job insecurity research
C Lee, GH Huang, SJ Ashford
Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior 5 (1 …, 2018
Mandaten: Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
Deviance and exit: The organizational costs of job insecurity and moral disengagement.
G Huang, N Wellman, SJ Ashford, C Lee, L Wang
Journal of Applied Psychology 102 (1), 26, 2017
Mandaten: Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
Job insecurity and organizational citizenship behavior: exploring curvilinear and moderated relationships.
CF Lam, J Liang, SJ Ashford, C Lee
Journal of applied psychology 100 (2), 499, 2015
Mandaten: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Reducing job insecurity and increasing performance ratings: does impression management matter?
G Huang, HH Zhao, X Niu, SJ Ashford, C Lee
Journal of Applied Psychology 98 (5), 852, 2013
Mandaten: Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
How being in learning mode may enable a sustainable career across the lifespan
PA Heslin, LA Keating, SJ Ashford
Journal of Vocational Behavior 117, 103324, 2020
Mandaten: Australian Research Council
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