Dylan Mikesell
Dylan Mikesell
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Atmospheric waves and global seismoacoustic observations of the January 2022 Hunga eruption, Tonga
RS Matoza, D Fee, JD Assink, AM Iezzi, DN Green, K Kim, L Toney, ...
Science 377 (6601), 95-100, 2022
The 15 January 2022 Hunga Tonga eruption history as inferred from ionospheric observations
E Astafyeva, B Maletckii, TD Mikesell, E Munaibari, M Ravanelli, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 49 (10), e2022GL098827, 2022
Monitoring southwest Greenland’s ice sheet melt with ambient seismic noise
A Mordret, TD Mikesell, C Harig, BP Lipovsky, GA Prieto
Science advances 2 (5), e1501538, 2016
Continuous profiles of electromagnetic wave velocity and water content in glaciers: an example from Bench Glacier, Alaska, USA
JH Bradford, J Nichols, TD Mikesell, JT Harper
Annals of Glaciology 50 (51), 1-9, 2009
Extension of the spatial autocorrelation (SPAC) method to mixed‐component correlations of surface waves
MM Haney, TD Mikesell, K van Wijk, H Nakahara
Geophysical Journal International 191 (1), 189-206, 2012
The virtual refraction: Useful spurious energy in seismic interferometry
TD Mikesell, K van Wijk, A Calvert, MM Haney
Geophysics 74 (3), A13-A17, 2009
A comparison of methods to estimate seismic phase delays: Numerical examples for coda wave interferometry
TD Mikesell, AE Malcolm, D Yang, MM Haney
Geophysical Journal International 202 (1), 347-360, 2015
Monitoring glacier surface seismicity in time and space using Rayleigh waves
TD Mikesell, K van Wijk, MM Haney, JH Bradford, HP Marshall, JT Harper
Journal of Geophysical Research 117 (F2), F02020, 2012
Local, regional, and remote seismo‐acoustic observations of the April 2015 VEI 4 eruption of Calbuco volcano, Chile
RS Matoza, D Fee, DN Green, A Le Pichon, J Vergoz, MM Haney, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 123 (5), 3814-3827, 2018
Estimating the Rayleigh‐wave impulse response between seismic stations with the cross terms of the Green tensor
K van Wijk, TD Mikesell, V Schulte‐Pelkum, J Stachnik
Geophysical Research Letters 38 (16), 2011
Source mechanism of small long‐period events at Mount St. Helens in July 2005 using template matching, phase‐weighted stacking, and full‐waveform inversion
RS Matoza, BA Chouet, PB Dawson, PM Shearer, MM Haney, GP Waite, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 120 (9), 6351-6364, 2015
Retrieving surface waves from ambient seismic noise using seismic interferometry by multidimensional deconvolution
KN Van Dalen, TD Mikesell, EN Ruigrok, K Wapenaar
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 120 (2), 944-961, 2015
Application of the virtual refraction to near‐surface characterization at the Boise Hydrogeophysical Research Site
J Nichols, TD Mikesell, K van Wijk
Geophysical Prospecting 58 (6), 1011-1022, 2010
A comprehensive comparison between the refraction microtremor and seismic interferometry methods for phase-velocity estimation
Z Xu, T Dylan Mikesell, J Xia, F Cheng
Geophysics 82 (6), EN99-EN108, 2017
Using SVD for improved interferometric Green's function retrieval
G Melo, A Malcolm, D Mikesell, K Van Wijk
Geophysical Journal International 194 (3), 1596-1612, 2013
Isolating retrograde and prograde Rayleigh-wave modes using a polarity mute
G Gribler, LM Liberty, TD Mikesell, P Michaels
Geophysics 81 (5), V379-V385, 2016
Mapping the sources of proximal earthquake infrasound
JB Johnson, TD Mikesell, JF Anderson, LM Liberty
Geophysical Research Letters 47 (23), e2020GL091421, 2020
Co-eruptive tremor from Bogoslof volcano: seismic wavefield composition at regional distances
MM Haney, D Fee, KF McKee, JJ Lyons, RS Matoza, AG Wech, G Tepp, ...
Bulletin of Volcanology 82 (2), 18, 2020
Revelation of early detection of co-seismic ionospheric perturbations in GPS-TEC from realistic modelling approach: Case study
D Thomas, MS Bagiya, PS Sunil, L Rolland, AS Sunil, TD Mikesell, ...
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 12105, 2018
Analyzing the coda from correlating scattered surface waves
T Dylan Mikesell, K Van Wijk, TE Blum, R Snieder, H Sato
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 131 (3), EL275-EL281, 2012
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