Parag Rughani, Ph. D.
Parag Rughani, Ph. D.
Andere namenParag H. Rughani, P. H. Rughani
School of Cyber Security and Digital Forensics, National Forensic Sciences University, NFSU
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IoT based agriculture (Ag-IoT): A detailed study on architecture, security and forensics
S Rudrakar, P Rughani
Information Processing in Agriculture, 2023
Artificial Intelligence Based Digital Forensics Framework.
PH Rughani
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science 8 (8), 2017
Machine learning forensics: A new branch of digital forensics.
P Bhatt, PH Rughani
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science 8 (8), 2017
Forensic analysis of Asterisk-FreePBX based VoIP server
H Tandel, PH Rughani
International Journal of Emerging Research in Management and Technology 6 …, 2018
IoT evidence acquisition—Issues and challenges
PH Rughani
Advances in Computational Sciences and Technology 10 (5), 1285-1293, 2017
A comprehensive study of VoIP security
D Suthar, PH Rughani
2020 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication …, 2020
Analysis of Android Smart Watch Artifacts
DMSD Shreyas Parikh, Dhaval Chavda, Shourjo Chakraborty, Dr. Parag H. Rughani
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research 6 (8), 920-930, 2015
Dark web text classification by learning through SVM optimization
CA Murty, PH Rughani
J Adv Inf Technol 13 (6), 2022
Analyzing security vulnerability and forensic investigation of ROS2: a case study
Y Patel, PH Rughani, D Desai
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Robotics and Artificial …, 2022
Web browser forensics: evidence collection and analysis for most popular web browsers usage in windows 10
D Mugisha
International Journal of Cyber Criminology 54 (Cyber Investigation), 12, 2018
Steganography on Android Based Smart Phones
P Rughani, DHN Pandya
International Journal of Mobile & Adhoc Network 2 (2), 150-152, 2012
Forensic Analysis of Content Hiding Android Applications
P Rughani
International Journals of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software …, 2017
Network forensic investigation of collaborative robots: A case study
Y Patel, PH Rughani, D Desai
2022 7th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Robotics …, 2022
A forensic study of Tor usage on the Raspberry Pi platform using open source tools
NS Vaidya, PH Rughani
Computer Fraud & Security 2020 (6), 13-19, 2020
Detecting blacklisted ip access from android phone
PH Rughani
Indian Journal of Science and Technology 9 (48), 2016
IoT based agriculture (Ag-IoT): a detailed study on architecture, security and forensics. Inf Process Agric.(2023)
S Rudrakar, P Rughani
IoT based Agriculture (IoTA): Architecture, Cyber Attack, Cyber Crime and Digital Forensics Challenges
S Rudrakar, P Rughani
An Efficient Technique to Detect Stegosploit Generated Images on Windows and Linux Subsystem on Windows
NVPH Rughani
International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering 7 (12), 21-26, 2019
Comprehensive Analysis and Forensic Recovery of Vipasana Ransomware
F Byabazaire, PH Rughani
International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering 6 (4), 110-117, 2018
AUMFOR: Automated Memory Forensics for Malware Analysis
V Rughani, PH Rughani
Asian Journal of Engineering And Applied Technology 6 (2), 36-39, 2017
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