Piero Malguzzi
Piero Malguzzi
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The subseasonal to seasonal (S2S) prediction project database
F Vitart, C Ardilouze, A Bonet, A Brookshaw, M Chen, C Codorean, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 98 (1), 163-173, 2017
Numerical simulations of the 1994 Piedmont flood: Role of orography and moist processes
A Buzzi, N Tartaglione, P Malguzzi
Monthly Weather Review 126 (9), 2369-2383, 1998
Validation of a limited area model in cases of Mediterranean cyclogenesis: surface fields and precipitation scores
A Buzzi, M Fantini, P Malguzzi, F Nerozzi
Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 53 (3), 137-153, 1994
The 1966 “century” flood in Italy: A meteorological and hydrological revisitation
P Malguzzi, G Grossi, A Buzzi, R Ranzi, R Buizza
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 111 (D24), 2006
Heavy rainfall episodes over Liguria in autumn 2011: numerical forecasting experiments
A Buzzi, S Davolio, P Malguzzi, O Drofa, D Mastrangelo
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 14 (5), 1325-1340, 2014
The statistical properties of general atmospheric circulation: Observational evidence and a minimal theory of bimodality
R Benzi, P Malguzzi, A Speranza, A Sutera
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 112 (473), 661-674, 1986
A theory of deep cyclogenesis in the lee of the Alps. Part I: Modifications of baroclinic instability by localized topography
A Speranza, A Buzzi, A Trevisan, P Malguzzi
Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 42 (14), 1521-1535, 1985
Flood forecasts for urban basin with integrated hydro-meteorological model
AD Koussis, K Lagouvardos, K Mazi, V Kotroni, D Sitzmann, J Lang, ...
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 8 (1), 1-11, 2003
Forced coherent structures and local multiple equilibria in a barotropic atmosphere
RT Pierrehumbert, P Malguzzi
Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 41 (2), 246-257, 1984
Nonlinear stationary Rossby waves on nonuniform zonal winds and atmospheric blocking. Part I: The analytical theory
P Malguzzi, P Malanotte-Rizzoli
Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 41 (17), 2620-2628, 1984
Tide-surge-wave modelling and forecasting in the Mediterranean Sea with focus on the Italian coast
C Ferrarin, A Roland, M Bajo, G Umgiesser, A Cucco, S Davolio, A Buzzi, ...
Ocean Modelling 61, 38-48, 2013
Coupling between the atmospheric circulation and the ocean wave field: An idealized case
P Lionello, P Malguzzi, A Buzzi
Journal of physical oceanography 28 (2), 161-177, 1998
Advances in the subseasonal prediction of extreme events: Relevant case studies across the globe
DIV Domeisen, CJ White, H Afargan-Gerstman, ÁG Muñoz, MA Janiga, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 103 (6), E1473-E1501, 2022
Sensitivity of quantitative precipitation forecasts to boundary layer parameterization: a flash flood case study in the Western Mediterranean
M Zampieri, P Malguzzi, A Buzzi
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 5 (4), 603-612, 2005
The meteorological model BOLAM at the National Observatory of Athens: assessment of two-year operational use
K Lagouvardos, V Kotroni, A Koussis, H Feidas, A Buzzi, P Malguzzi
Journal of applied meteorology 42 (11), 1667-1678, 2003
Discharge prediction based on multi-model precipitation forecasts
T Diomede, S Davolio, C Marsigli, MM Miglietta, A Moscatello, P Papetti, ...
Meteorology and atmospheric physics 101, 245-265, 2008
An economical second‐order advection scheme for numerical weather prediction
P Malguzzi, N Tartagione
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 125 (558), 2291-2303, 1999
High resolution simulations of a flash flood near Venice
S Davolio, D Mastrangelo, MM Miglietta, O Drofa, A Buzzi, P Malguzzi
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 9 (5), 1671-1678, 2009
Effects of increasing horizontal resolution in a convection-permitting model on flood forecasting: The 2011 dramatic events in Liguria, Italy
S Davolio, F Silvestro, P Malguzzi
Journal of Hydrometeorology 16 (4), 1843-1856, 2015
Cross-scale operational oceanography in the Adriatic Sea
C Ferrarin, S Davolio, D Bellafiore, M Ghezzo, F Maicu, W Mc Kiver, ...
Journal of Operational Oceanography 12 (2), 86-103, 2019
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