Richard Krauzlis
Richard Krauzlis
National Eye Institute
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Superior colliculus and visual spatial attention
RJ Krauzlis, LP Lovejoy, A Zénon
Annual review of neuroscience 36 (1), 165-182, 2013
Recasting the smooth pursuit eye movement system
RJ Krauzlis
Journal of neurophysiology 91 (2), 591-603, 2004
A neural mechanism for microsaccade generation in the primate superior colliculus
ZM Hafed, L Goffart, RJ Krauzlis
Science 323 (5916), 940-943, 2009
Inactivation of primate superior colliculus impairs covert selection of signals for perceptual judgments
LP Lovejoy, RJ Krauzlis
Nature neuroscience 13 (2), 261-266, 2010
The control of voluntary eye movements: new perspectives
RJ Krauzlis
The Neuroscientist 11 (2), 124-137, 2005
Manipulating intent: evidence for a causal role of the superior colliculus in target selection
CD Carello, RJ Krauzlis
Neuron 43 (4), 575-583, 2004
Attention deficits without cortical neuronal deficits
A Zénon, RJ Krauzlis
Nature 489 (7416), 434-437, 2012
Neuronal control of fixation and fixational eye movements
RJ Krauzlis, L Goffart, ZM Hafed
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 372 …, 2017
Shared motor error for multiple eye movements
RJ Krauzlis, MA Basso, RH Wurtz
Science 276 (5319), 1693-1695, 1997
Attention as an effect not a cause
RJ Krauzlis, A Bollimunta, F Arcizet, L Wang
Trends in cognitive sciences 18 (9), 457-464, 2014
Target selection and the superior colliculus: goals, choices and hypotheses
RJ Krauzlis, D Liston, CD Carello
Vision Research 44 (12), 1445-1451, 2004
Discharge properties of neurons in the rostral superior colliculus of the monkey during smooth-pursuit eye movements
RJ Krauzlis, MA Basso, RH Wurtz
Journal of Neurophysiology 84 (2), 876-891, 2000
Microsaccadic suppression of visual bursts in the primate superior colliculus
ZM Hafed, RJ Krauzlis
Journal of Neuroscience 30 (28), 9542-9547, 2010
A model of visually-guided smooth pursuit eye movements based on behavioral observations
RJ Krauzlis, SG Lisberger
Journal of computational neuroscience 1 (4), 265-283, 1994
Neural correlates of target choice for pursuit and saccades in the primate superior colliculus
RJ Krauzlis, N Dill
Neuron 35 (2), 355-363, 2002
Tracking with the mind’s eye
RJ Krauzlis, LS Stone
Trends in neurosciences 22 (12), 544-550, 1999
Temporal properties of visual motion signals for the initiation of smooth pursuit eye movements in monkeys
RJ Krauzlis, SG Lisberger
Journal of Neurophysiology 72 (1), 150-162, 1994
Release of fixation for pursuit and saccades in humans: evidence for shared inputs acting on different neural substrates
RJ Krauzlis, FA Miles
Journal of neurophysiology 76 (5), 2822-2833, 1996
Similarity of superior colliculus involvement in microsaccade and saccade generation
ZM Hafed, RJ Krauzlis
Journal of neurophysiology 107 (7), 1904-1916, 2012
Effect of changing feedback delay on spontaneous oscillations in smooth pursuit eye movements of monkeys
D Goldreich, RJ Krauzlis, SG Lisberger
Journal of neurophysiology 67 (3), 625-638, 1992
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