The removal of heavy metals by using agricultural wastes Y Orhan, H Büyükgüngör Water Science and Technology 28 (2), 247-255, 1993 | 496 | 1993 |
Bacterial cell association and antimicrobial activity of a C60 water suspension DY Lyon, JD Fortner, CM Sayes, VL Colvin, JB Hughes Environmental toxicology and chemistry 24 (11), 2757-2762, 2005 | 398 | 2005 |
Kinetics and equilibrium studies of heavy metal ions removalby use of natural zeolite S Kocaoba, Y Orhan, T Akyüz Desalination 214 (1-3), 1-10, 2007 | 282 | 2007 |
Enhancement of biodegradability of disposable polyethylene in controlled biological soil Y Orhan, H Büyükgüngör International biodeterioration & biodegradation 45 (1-2), 49-55, 2000 | 262 | 2000 |
Biodegradation of plastic compost bags under controlled soil conditions Y Orhan, J Hrenovic, H Buyukgungor Acta Chimica Slovenica 51 (3), 579-588, 2004 | 180 | 2004 |
Factors affecting the students’ environmental awareness, attitudes and behaviors in Ondokuz Mayis University, Turkey M Bozoglu, A Bilgic, BK Topuz, Y Ardali Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 25 (4), 1243-1257, 2016 | 56 | 2016 |
Microplastics formation based on degradation characteristics of beached plastic bags P Tziourrou, S Kordella, Y Ardali, G Papatheodorou, HK Karapanagioti Marine pollution bulletin 169, 112470, 2021 | 49 | 2021 |
Immobilisation of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus using natural carriers J Hrenović, D Tibljaš, Y Orhan, H Büyükgüngör Water SA 31 (2), 261-266, 2005 | 46 | 2005 |
Adsorption of lead (II) ions onto diatomite from aqueous solutions: Mechanism, isotherm and kinetic studies T Salman, F Temel, N Turan, Y Ardalı Global NEST Journal 18 (1), 2016 | 37 | 2016 |
Use of natural zeolite to upgrade activated sludge process J Hrenovic, H Buyukgungor, Y Orhan Food Technology and Biotechnology 41 (2), 157-166, 2003 | 35 | 2003 |
Determination of quality criteria that allow differentiation between honey adulterated with sugar and pure honey C Nisbet, F Kazak, Y Ardalı Biological trace element research 186, 288-293, 2018 | 32 | 2018 |
Biosorption of heavy metals from wastewater by biosolids Y Orhan, J Hrenovič, H Büyükgüngör Engineering in life sciences 6 (4), 399-402, 2006 | 32 | 2006 |
Murat Nehri ‘nin (Elazığ-Palu İlçe Merkezi Sınırları İçindeki Bölümün ‘de) Zooplanktonu ve Değişimi H Bulut, S Saler Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology 2 (1), 13-17, 2014 | 31* | 2014 |
Influence of support materials on phosphate removal by the pure culture of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus J Hrenović, D Tibljaš, H Büyükgüngör, Y Orhan Food Technology and Biotechnology 41 (4), 331-338, 2003 | 31 | 2003 |
Full scale horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands to treat domestic wastewater by Juncus acutus and Cortaderia selloana F Aydın Temel, E Avcı, Y Ardalı International journal of phytoremediation 20 (3), 264-273, 2018 | 24 | 2018 |
Adsorption of toxic metals by natural and modified clinoptilolite Y Orhan, S Kocaoba Annali di Chimica: Journal of Analytical, Environmental and Cultural …, 2007 | 24 | 2007 |
Anaerobic treatment of dairy wastewater: A review D Burak, Y Orhan, TO Turgut Process Biochem 40 (8), 2583-2595, 2005 | 21 | 2005 |
Çevre ve flora kaynaklarının arı ürünlerinin mineral madde içerikleri ile ilişkisi. C Nisbet, A Güler, GF Yarım, S Cenesiz, Y Ardalı Turkish Journal of Biochemistry/Turk Biyokimya Dergisi 38 (4), 2013 | 20 | 2013 |
Full scale subsurface flow constructed wetlands for domestic wastewater treatment: 3 years' experience F Aydın Temel, G Özyazıcı, VR Uslu, Y Ardalı Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy 37 (4), 1348-1360, 2018 | 19 | 2018 |
The Importance of Urbanization in Education N Konuk, G Turan, Y Ardalı Int. Conf. on Research in Education and Science 1 (1), 184, 2016 | 19 | 2016 |