Artikelen met mandaten voor openbare toegang - Hannu (TT) ToivonenMeer informatie
Nergens beschikbaar: 1
Discovering statistically non-redundant subgroups
J Li, J Liu, H Toivonen, K Satou, Y Sun, B Sun
Knowledge-Based Systems 67, 315-327, 2014
Mandaten: Australian Research Council
Ergens beschikbaar: 41
Data-driven news generation for automated journalism
L Leppänen, M Munezero, M Granroth-Wilding, H Toivonen
Proceedings of the 10th international conference on natural language …, 2017
Mandaten: Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation
Modes for creative human-computer collaboration: Alternating and task-divided co-creativity
A Kantosalo, H Toivonen
Proceedings of the seventh international conference on computational …, 2016
Mandaten: Academy of Finland
Data mining and machine learning in computational creativity
H Toivonen, O Gross
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 5 (6 …, 2015
Mandaten: Academy of Finland
Integrated interdisciplinary workflows for research on historical newspapers: Perspectives from humanities scholars, computer scientists, and librarians
S Oberbichler, E Boroş, A Doucet, J Marjanen, E Pfanzelter, J Rautiainen, ...
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 73 (2 …, 2022
Mandaten: European Commission
News Automation: The rewards, risks and realities of'machine journlism'
H Tuulonen, CG Linden, A Bäck, N Diakopoulos, M Granroth-Wilding, ...
Mandaten: Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation, Business Finland
Interaction evaluation for human-computer co-creativity: A case study
AA Kantosalo, JM Toivanen, HTT Toivonen
International Conference on Computational Creativity, 276-283, 2015
Mandaten: Academy of Finland
No Landslide for the Human Journalist-An Empirical Study of Computer-Generated Election News in Finland
M Melin, A Bäck, C Södergård, MD Munezero, LJ Leppänen, H Toivonen
IEEE Access 6, 43356-43367, 2018
Mandaten: Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation, Business Finland
Computational generation and dissection of lexical replacement humor
Natural Language Engineering, 2015
Mandaten: Academy of Finland
Effective pruning for the discovery of conditional functional dependencies
J Li, J Liu, H Toivonen, J Yong
The Computer Journal 56 (3), 378-392, 2013
Mandaten: Australian Research Council
Meta4meaning: Automatic metaphor interpretation using corpus-derived word associations
P Xiao, K Alnajjar, M Granroth-Wilding, K Agres, H Toivonen
International Conference on Computational Creativity, 230-237, 2016
Mandaten: Academy of Finland
Probabilistic explanation based learning
A Kimmig, L De Raedt, H Toivonen
Machine Learning: ECML 2007: 18th European Conference on Machine Learning …, 2007
Mandaten: Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Vlaanderen)
Computational generation of slogans
K Alnajjar, H Toivonen
Natural Language Engineering 27 (5), 575-607, 2021
Mandaten: Academy of Finland, European Commission
Aspects of self-awareness: An anatomy of metacreative systems
S Linkola, A Kantosalo, T Männistö, H Toivonen
International Conference on Computational Creativity, 189-196, 2017
Mandaten: Academy of Finland
No time like the present: Methods for generating colourful and factual multilingual news headlines
K Alnajjar, L Leppänen, H Toivonen
International Conference on Computational Creativity, 258-265, 2019
Mandaten: European Commission
No NLP task should be an island: multi-disciplinarity for diversity in news recommender systems
M Reuver, A Fokkens, S Verberne
Proceedings of the EACL Hackashop on news media content analysis and …, 2021
Mandaten: Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek
Finding and expressing news from structured data
L Leppänen, M Munezero, S Sirén-Heikel, M Granroth-Wilding, ...
Proceedings of the 21st International Academic Mindtrek Conference, 174-183, 2017
Mandaten: Academy of Finland, Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation
Talent, skill and support. A Method for Automatic Creation of Slogans.
K Alnajjar, H Hadaytullah, H Toivonen
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computational …, 2018
Mandaten: Academy of Finland
Conceptual representations for computational concept creation
P Xiao, H Toivonen, O Gross, A Cardoso, J Correia, P Machado, P Martins, ...
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 52 (1), 1-33, 2019
Mandaten: Academy of Finland, European Commission
Summarisation of weighted networks
F Zhou, Q Qu, H Toivonen
Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 29 (5), 1023-1052, 2017
Mandaten: Academy of Finland
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