Kari Lancaster
Kari Lancaster
Professor, Department of Social and Policy Sciences, University of Bath
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Confidentiality, anonymity and power relations in elite interviewing: conducting qualitative policy research in a politicised domain
K Lancaster
International journal of social research methodology 20 (1), 93-103, 2017
Producing the ‘problem of drugs’: A cross national-comparison of ‘recovery’discourse in two Australian and British reports
K Lancaster, K Duke, A Ritter
International Journal of Drug Policy 26 (7), 617-625, 2015
Qualitative interviewing
S Nathan, C Newman, K Lancaster
Springer Nature, 2019
Illicit drugs and the media: Models of media effects for use in drug policy research
K Lancaster, CE Hughes, B Spicer, F MATTHEW‐SIMMONS, P Dillon
Drug and alcohol review 30 (4), 397-402, 2011
Evidence-making interventions in health: A conceptual framing
T Rhodes, K Lancaster
Social science & medicine 238, 112488, 2019
Examining the construction and representation of drugs as a policy problem in Australia's National Drug Strategy documents 1985–2010
K Lancaster, A Ritter
International Journal of Drug Policy 25 (1), 81-87, 2014
Making evidence and policy in public health emergencies: lessons from COVID-19 for adaptive evidence-making and intervention
K Lancaster, T Rhodes, M Rosengarten
Evidence & policy 16 (3), 477-490, 2020
How do Australian news media depict illicit drug issues? An analysis of print media reporting across and between illicit drugs, 2003–2008
CE Hughes, K Lancaster, B Spicer
International Journal of Drug Policy 22 (4), 285-291, 2011
Social construction and the evidence-based drug policy endeavour
K Lancaster
International Journal of drug policy 25 (5), 948-951, 2014
Mathematical models as public troubles in COVID-19 infection control: following the numbers
T Rhodes, K Lancaster
Health Sociology Review 29 (2), 177-194, 2020
The productive techniques and constitutive effects of ‘evidence-based policy’and ‘consumer participation’discourses in health policy processes
K Lancaster, K Seear, C Treloar, A Ritter
Social Science & Medicine 176, 60-68, 2017
A model society: maths, models and expertise in viral outbreaks
T Rhodes, K Lancaster, M Rosengarten
Critical Public Health 30 (3), 253-256, 2020
Laws prohibiting peer distribution of injecting equipment in Australia: A critical analysis of their effects
K Lancaster, K Seear, C Treloar
International Journal of Drug Policy 26 (12), 1198-1206, 2015
Stigma and subjectivities: Examining the textured relationship between lived experience and opinions about drug policy among people who inject drugs
K Lancaster, L Santana, A Madden, A Ritter
Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy 22 (3), 224-231, 2015
Modelling the pandemic: attuning models to their contexts
T Rhodes, K Lancaster, S Lees, M Parker
BMJ global health 5 (6), e002914, 2020
Public opinion and drug policy in A ustralia: Engaging the ‘affected community’
K Lancaster, A Ritter, J Stafford
Drug and Alcohol Review 32 (1), 60-66, 2013
Problems, policy and politics: making sense of Australia's ‘ice epidemic’
K Lancaster, A Ritter, H Colebatch
Policy Studies 35 (2), 147-171, 2014
Perceptions of extended‐release buprenorphine injections for opioid use disorder among people who regularly use opioids in Australia
B Larance, L Degenhardt, J Grebely, S Nielsen, R Bruno, P Dietze, ...
Addiction 115 (7), 1295-1305, 2020
The stigmatisation of ‘ice’and under-reporting of meth/amphetamine use in general population surveys: A case study from Australia
J Chalmers, K Lancaster, C Hughes
International Journal of Drug Policy 36, 15-24, 2016
Making medicine; producing pleasure: A critical examination of medicinal cannabis policy and law in Victoria, Australia
K Lancaster, K Seear, A Ritter
International Journal of Drug Policy 49, 117-125, 2017
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