John C. Stella
John C. Stella
State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse (SUNY-ESF)
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Riparian vegetation research in Mediterranean-climate regions: common patterns, ecological processes, and considerations for management
JC Stella, PM Rodríguez-González, S Dufour, J Bendix
Hydrobiologia 719, 291-315, 2013
Synchrony of seed dispersal, hydrology and local climate in a semi-arid river reach in California
JC Stella, JJ Battles, BK Orr, JR McBride
Ecosystems 9, 1200-1214, 2006
Climate change perils for dioecious plant species
KR Hultine, KC Grady, TE Wood, SM Shuster, JC Stella, TG Whitham
Nature plants 2 (8), 1-8, 2016
Global sensitivity analysis for complex ecological models: a case study of riparian cottonwood population dynamics
EB Harper, JC Stella, AK Fremier
Ecological Applications 21 (4), 1225-1240, 2011
Contrasting water‐uptake and growth responses to drought in co‐occurring riparian tree species
MB Singer, JC Stella, S Dufour, H Piégay, RJS Wilson, L Johnstone
Ecohydrology 6 (3), 402-412, 2013
Subsidy or stress? Tree structure and growth in wetland forests along a hydrological gradient in Southern Europe
PM Rodríguez-González, JC Stella, F Campelo, MT Ferreira, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 259 (10), 2015-2025, 2010
The role of abandoned channels as refugia for sustaining pioneer riparian forest ecosystems
JC Stella, MK Hayden, JJ Battles, H Piégay, S Dufour, AK Fremier
Ecosystems 14, 776-790, 2011
Riparian seedling mortality from simulated water table recession, and the design of sustainable flow regimes on regulated rivers
JC Stella, JJ Battles, JR McBride, BK Orr
Restoration Ecology 18, 284-294, 2010
Multiple stressors in riparian ecosystems
JC Stella, J Bendix
Multiple stressors in river ecosystems, 81-110, 2019
Regional growth decline of sugar maple (Acer saccharum) and its potential causes
DA Bishop, CM Beier, N Pederson, GB Lawrence, JC Stella, TJ Sullivan
Ecosphere 6 (10), 1-14, 2015
How do riparian woody seedlings survive seasonal drought?
JC Stella, JJ Battles
Oecologia 164, 579-590, 2010
When do plants modify fluvial processes? Plant‐hydraulic interactions under variable flow and sediment supply rates
RB Manners, AC Wilcox, L Kui, AF Lightbody, JC Stella, LS Sklar
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 120 (2), 325-345, 2015
Flow and scour constraints on uprooting of pioneer woody seedlings
S Bywater‐Reyes, AC Wilcox, JC Stella, AF Lightbody
Water Resources Research 51 (11), 9190-9206, 2015
Climate and local geomorphic interactions drive patterns of riparian forest decline along a Mediterranean Basin river
JC Stella, J Riddle, H Piégay, M Gagnage, ML Trémélo
Geomorphology 202, 101-114, 2013
Riparian vegetation and the fluvial environment: a biogeographic perspective
J Bendix, JC Stella
Treatise on geomorphology, 298-319, 2022
Ecogeomorphic feedbacks and flood loss of riparian tree seedlings in meandering channel experiments
L Kui, JC Stella, A Lightbody, AC Wilcox
Water Resources Research 50 (12), 9366-9384, 2014
Hydrogeologic processes impacting storage, fate, and transport of chloride from road salt in urban riparian aquifers
SH Ledford, LK Lautz, JC Stella
Environmental science & technology 50 (10), 4979-4988, 2016
Fluvial sediment burial increases mortality of young riparian trees but induces compensatory growth response in survivors
L Kui, JC Stella
Forest Ecology and Management 366, 32-40, 2016
The biota of intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams: Algae and vascular plants
S Sabater, X Timoner, G Bornette, M De Wilde, JC Stromberg, JC Stella
Intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams, 189-216, 2017
Groundwater dependence of riparian woodlands and the disrupting effect of anthropogenically altered streamflow
MM Rohde, JC Stella, DA Roberts, MB Singer
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (25), e2026453118, 2021
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