Artikelen met mandaten voor openbare toegang - Michel MeybeckMeer informatie
Ergens beschikbaar: 7
A global reference for human genetic variation
1000 Genomes Project Consortium
Nature 526 (7571), 68, 2015
Mandaten: Swiss National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health, Howard …
Global carbon dioxide emissions from inland waters
PA Raymond, J Hartmann, R Lauerwald, S Sobek, C McDonald, ...
Nature 503 (7476), 355-359, 2013
Mandaten: German Research Foundation, Swedish Research Council for Environment …
Increasing dependence of lowland populations on mountain water resources
D Viviroli, M Kummu, M Meybeck, M Kallio, Y Wada
Nature Sustainability 3 (11), 917-928, 2020
Mandaten: Swiss National Science Foundation, Academy of Finland, European Commission
Global spatial distribution of natural riverine silica inputs to the coastal zone
HH Dürr, M Meybeck, J Hartmann, GG Laruelle, V Roubeix
Biogeosciences 8 (3), 597-620, 2011
Mandaten: German Research Foundation
The geochemical composition of the terrestrial surface (without soils) and comparison with the upper continental crust
J Hartmann, HH Dürr, N Moosdorf, M Meybeck, S Kempe
International Journal of Earth Sciences 101, 365-376, 2012
Mandaten: German Research Foundation
Global spatial distribution of natural riverine silica inputs to the coastal zone.
HH Dürr, M Meybeck, J Hartmann, GG Laruelle, V Roubeix
Biogeosciences Discussions 6 (1), 2009
Mandaten: German Research Foundation
The seine, the river dedicated to Paris
L Lestel, M Meybeck, C Carré, J Belliard
River Culture–Life as a dance to the rhythm of the waters, 673-697, 2023
Mandaten: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
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