Political economics T Persson, G Tabellini MIT press, 2000 | 7708* | 2000 |
Political economics: explaining economic policy T Persson, GE Tabellini MIT press, 2002 | 6897 | 2002 |
Is Inequality Harmful for Growth?: Theory and Evindence T Persson, G Tabellini Queen Elizabeth House, 1991 | 6288 | 1991 |
Is inequality harmful for growth? Theory and evidence T Persson, G Tabellini National Bureau of Economic Research, 1991 | 6288 | 1991 |
The economic effects of constitutions T Persson, GE Tabellini MIT press, 2005 | 2869* | 2005 |
The origins of state capacity: Property rights, taxation, and politics T Besley, T Persson American economic review 99 (4), 1218-44, 2009 | 2053 | 2009 |
Why a stubborn conservative would run a deficit: Policy with time-inconsistent preferences T Persson, LEO Svensson Monetary and fiscal policy 2, 137-56, 1994 | 1784* | 1994 |
Why a stubborn conservative would run a deficit: Policy with time-inconsistent preferences T Persson, LEO Svensson The Quarterly Journal of Economics 104 (2), 325-345, 1989 | 1784 | 1989 |
Separation of Powers and Political Accountability' T Persson, G Roland, G Tabellini INTERNATIONAL LIBRARY OF CRITICAL WRITINGS IN ECONOMICS 166, 27-66, 2003 | 1751* | 2003 |
Separation of powers and political accountability T Persson, G Roland, G Tabellini The Quarterly Journal of Economics 112 (4), 1163-1202, 1997 | 1750 | 1997 |
Macroeconomic policy, credibility and politics A Marin, T Persson, GE Tabellini Taylor & Francis, 1990 | 1637* | 1990 |
Pillars of Prosperity T Besley, T Persson | 1598* | 2013 |
Pillars of prosperity: The political economics of development clusters T Besley, T Persson Princeton University Press, 2011 | 1598 | 2011 |
State capacity, conflict, and development T Besley, T Persson Econometrica 78 (1), 1-34, 2010 | 1321 | 2010 |
Electoral rules and corruption T Persson, G Tabellini, F Trebbi journal of the European Economic Association 1 (4), 958-989, 2003 | 1202 | 2003 |
The size and scope of government:: Comparative politics with rational politicians T Persson, G Tabellini European economic review 43 (4-6), 699-735, 1999 | 1077 | 1999 |
Comparative politics and public finance T Persson, G Roland, G Tabellini Journal of political Economy 108 (6), 1121-1161, 2000 | 1031 | 2000 |
Why do developing countries tax so little? T Besley, T Persson Journal of Economic Perspectives 28 (4), 99-120, 2014 | 986 | 2014 |
Democratic capital: The nexus of political and economic change T Persson, G Tabellini American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 1 (2), 88-126, 2009 | 896 | 2009 |
Designing institutions for monetary stability T Persson, G Tabellini Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy 39, 53-84, 1993 | 854 | 1993 |