Artikelen met mandaten voor openbare toegang - Mario Alfonso Diaz de la RosaMeer informatie
Nergens beschikbaar: 2
Mathematical modeling of microbubble cavitation at 70 kHz and the importance of the subharmonic in drug delivery from micelles
MAD de la Rosa, GA Husseini, WG Pitt
Ultrasonics 53 (1), 97-110, 2013
Mandaten: US National Institutes of Health
Crowding and hopping in a protein’s diffusive transport on DNA
EF Koslover, MD de la Rosa, AJ Spakowitz
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 50 (7), 074005, 2017
Mandaten: US National Science Foundation
Ergens beschikbaar: 3
Caulobacter chromosome in vivo configuration matches model predictions for a supercoiled polymer in a cell-like confinement
SH Hong, E Toro, KI Mortensen, MAD de la Rosa, S Doniach, L Shapiro, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (5), 1674-1679, 2013
Mandaten: US National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Comparing microbubble cavitation at 500 kHz and 70 kHz related to micellar drug delivery using ultrasound
MAD de la Rosa, GA Husseini, WG Pitt
Ultrasonics 53 (2), 377-386, 2013
Mandaten: US National Institutes of Health
Kinetics of acoustic release of doxorubicin from stabilized and unstabilized micelles and the effect of temperature
GA Husseini, MAD de la Rosa, EO AlAqqad, S Al Mamary, Y Kadimati, ...
Journal of the Franklin Institute 348 (1), 125-133, 2011
Mandaten: US National Institutes of Health
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