Mirjana Spasojevic
Mirjana Spasojevic
Harman International
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People, places, things: Web presence for the real world
T Kindberg, J Barton, J Morgan, G Becker, D Caswell, P Debaty, G Gopal, ...
Mobile Networks and Applications 7, 365-376, 2002
The ubiquitous camera: An in-depth study of camera phone use
T Kindberg, M Spasojevic, R Fleck, A Sellen
IEEE Pervasive Computing 4 (2), 42-50, 2005
From informing to remembering: Ubiquitous systems in interactive museums
M Fleck, M Frid, T Kindberg, E O'Brien-Strain, R Rajani, M Spasojevic
IEEE pervasive computing 1 (2), 13-21, 2002
Minerva: An automated resource provisioning tool for large-scale storage systems
GA Alvarez, E Borowsky, S Go, TH Romer, R Becker-Szendy, R Golding, ...
ACM Transactions on Computer Systems (TOCS) 19 (4), 483-518, 2001
Making love in the network closet: the benefits and work of family videochat
MG Ames, J Go, JJ Kaye, M Spasojevic
Proceedings of the 2010 ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative …, 2010
Family story play: reading with young children (and elmo) over a distance
H Raffle, R Ballagas, G Revelle, H Horii, S Follmer, J Go, E Reardon, ...
Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2010
I saw this and thought of you: some social uses of camera phones
T Kindberg, M Spasojevic, R Fleck, A Sellen
CHI'05 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems, 1545-1548, 2005
Hello, is grandma there? let's read! StoryVisit: family video chat and connected e-books
H Raffle, G Revelle, K Mori, R Ballagas, K Buza, H Horii, J Kaye, K Cook, ...
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2011
Understanding technology choices and values through social class
MG Ames, J Go, JJ Kaye, M Spasojevic
Proceedings of the ACM 2011 conference on Computer supported cooperative …, 2011
Fear and the city: role of mobile services in harnessing safety and security in urban use contexts
J Blom, D Viswanathan, M Spasojevic, J Go, K Acharya, R Ahonius
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2010
An empirical study of a wide-area distributed file system
M Spasojevic, M Satyanarayanan
ACM Transactions on Computer systems (TOCS) 14 (2), 200-222, 1996
How and why people use camera phones
T Kindberg, M Spasojevic, R Fleck, A Sellen
HP Laboratories Technical Report HPL-2004-216, 2004
Using attribute-managed storage to achieve QoS
E Borowsky, R Golding, A Merchant, L Schreier, E Shriver, M Spasojevic, ...
Building QoS into Distributed Systems: IFIP TC6 WG6. 1 Fifth International …, 1997
The Electronic Guidebook: Using Portable Devices and a Wireless Web-Based Network to Extend the Museum Experience.
R Semper, M Spasojevic
For full text: http://www. archimuse. com/mw2002/papers/semper/semper. html/., 2002
Rememberer: A tool for capturing museum visits
M Fleck, M Frid, T Kindberg, E O’Brien-Strain, R Rajani, M Spasojevic
UbiComp 2002: Ubiquitous Computing: 4th International Conference Göteborg …, 2002
Requirements for mobile photoware
M Ames, D Eckles, M Naaman, M Spasojevic, N Van House
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 14, 95-109, 2010
Zonetag: Designing context-aware mobile media capture to increase participation
S Ahern, M Davis, D Eckles, S King, M Naaman, R Nair, M Spasojevic, ...
Proceedings of the Pervasive Image Capture and Sharing, 8th Int. Conf. on …, 2006
Voting as the optimal static pessimistic scheme for managing replicated data
M Spasojevic, P Berman
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 5 (1), 64-73, 1994
A study of an augmented museum experience
M Spasojevic, T Kindberg
Hewlett Packard internal technical report, 1-15, 2001
Metaphors for the mobile Internet
P Isomursu, R Hinman, M Isomursu, M Spasojevic
Knowledge, Technology & Policy 20, 259-268, 2007
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Artikelen 1–20