Chiara Calastri
Chiara Calastri
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Does the social context help with understanding and predicting the choice of activity type and duration? An application of the Multiple Discrete-Continuous Nested Extreme Value …
C Calastri, S Hess, A Daly, JA Carrasco
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 104, 1-20, 2017
Modelling contact mode and frequency of interactions with social network members using the multiple discrete–continuous extreme value model
C Calastri, S Hess, A Daly, M Maness, M Kowald, K Axhausen
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 76, 16-34, 2017
We want it all: experiences from a survey seeking to capture social network structures, lifetime events and short-term travel and activity planning
C Calastri, R Crastes dit Sourd, S Hess
Transportation 47, 175-201, 2020
Mode choice with latent availability and consideration: Theory and a case study
C Calastri, S Hess, C Choudhury, A Daly, L Gabrielli
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 123, 374-385, 2019
Modelling multiple occurrences of activities during a day: an extension of the MDCEV model
D Palma, A Enam, S Hess, C Calastri, R Crastes dit Sourd
Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics 9 (1), 456-478, 2021
How do people choose their commuting mode? An evolutionary approach to travel choices
C Calastri, S Borghesi, G Fagiolo
Economia politica 36, 887-912, 2019
Accommodating correlation across days in multiple discrete-continuous models for time use
C Calastri, S Hess, AR Pinjari, A Daly
Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics 8 (1), 108-128, 2020
Modelling risk perception using a dynamic hybrid choice model and brain-imaging data: an application to virtual reality cycling
M Bogacz, S Hess, C Calastri, CF Choudhury, F Mushtaq, M Awais, ...
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 133, 103435, 2021
Cycling in virtual reality: modelling behaviour in an immersive environment
M Bogacz, S Hess, C F. Choudhury, C Calastri, F Mushtaq, M Awais, ...
Transportation letters 13 (8), 608-622, 2021
Comparison of cycling behavior between keyboard-controlled and instrumented bicycle experiments in virtual reality
M Bogacz, S Hess, C Calastri, CF Choudhury, A Erath, ...
Transportation research record 2674 (7), 244-257, 2020
Participation in online activities while travelling: an application of the MDCEV model in the context of rail travel
C Calastri, J Pawlak, R Batley
Transportation, 1-27, 2021
Modelling the loss and retention of contacts in social networks: The role of dyad-level heterogeneity and tie strength
C Calastri, S Hess, A Daly, JA Carrasco, C Choudhury
Journal of choice modelling 29, 63-77, 2018
dit Sourd, RC, Hess, S., 2018a. We want it all: experiences from a survey seeking to capture social network structures, lifetime events and short-term travel and activity planning
C Calastri
Transportation, 1-27, 0
Capturing relationship strength: A choice model for leisure time, frequency of interaction and ranking in name generators
C Calastri, S Hess, D Palma, RC dit Sourd
Travel Behaviour and Society 20, 290-299, 2020
Processing cycling risk under different elicitation methods: comparing 2D and 3D in virtual reality choice environments
M Bogacz, C Calastri, CF Choudhury, S Hess, A Erath, ...
Online Abstracts: 98th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board …, 2019
Travel, social networks and time use: Modeling complex real-life behavior
C Calastri
Mapping the travel behavior genome, 279-297, 2020
The role of time budgets in models of multi-tasking while travelling: A comparison between the MDCEV and eMDC approach
D Palma, C Calastri, J Pawlak
Transportation research part A: policy and practice 176, 103796, 2023
Accommodating correlation across days in multiple-discrete continuous models for activity scheduling: estimation and forecasting considerations
C Calastri, S Hess, AR Pinjari, A Daly
Transportation Research Board 97th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2018
A multi-country panel study of behaviour, perceptions and expectations during different stages of the COVID-19 pandemic
G Amaris, J Arellana, M Beck, R Behrens, C Calastri, S Hess, F Song, ...
Travel Behaviour and Society 34, 100676, 2024
How did the use of ED change during the first wave of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in the UK? An observational study
C Calastri, S Hess, B Wilson
Emergency Medicine Journal 40 (7), 518-524, 2023
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