David Coursey
David Coursey
Associate Professor of Public Affairs, University of Texas Arlington
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Models of e‐government: Are they correct? An empirical assessment
D Coursey, DF Norris
Public administration review 68 (3), 523-536, 2008
What drives morally committed citizens? A study of the antecedents of public service motivation
JL Perry, JL Brudney, D Coursey, L Littlepage
Public administration review 68 (3), 445-458, 2008
Public service motivation measurement: Testing an abridged version of Perry's proposed scale
DH Coursey, SK Pandey
Administration & Society 39 (5), 547-568, 2007
Organizational effectiveness and bureaucratic red tape: A multimethod study
SK Pandey, DH Coursey, DP Moynihan
Public Performance & Management Review 30 (3), 398-425, 2007
Psychometric verification of Perry's public service motivation instrument: Results for volunteer exemplars
DH Coursey, JL Perry, JL Brudney, L Littlepage
Review of public personnel administration 28 (1), 79-90, 2008
Decision Making in Public and Private Organizations: A Test of Alternative Concepts of" Publicness"
D Coursey, B Bozeman
Public Administration Review 50 (5), 1990
Public service motivation (PSM) and support for citizen participation: A test of Perry and Vandenabeele’s reformulation of PSM theory
D Coursey, K Yang, SK Pandey
Public Administration Review 72 (4), 572-582, 2012
Ethical work climates: Comparing top managers in public and private organizations
D Wittmer, D Coursey
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 6 (4), 559-572, 1996
Does public service motivation matter in volunteering domain choices? A test of functional theory
D Coursey, JL Brudney, L Littlepage, JL Perry
Review of public personnel administration 31 (1), 48-66, 2011
Content domain, measurement, and validity of the red tape concept: A second-order confirmatory factor analysis
DH Coursey, SK Pandey
The American Review of Public Administration 37 (3), 342-361, 2007
Perceptions of personnel system constraints in public, private, and hybrid organizations
D Coursey, HG Rainey
Review of Public Personnel Administration 10 (2), 54-71, 1990
Decision quality, confidence, and commitment with expert systems: An experimental study
D Landsbergen, DH Coursey, S Loveless, RF Shangraw Jr
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 7 (1), 131-158, 1997
Technology transfer in US government and university laboratories: advantages and disadvantages for participating laboratories
D Coursey, B Bozeman
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management 39 (4), 347-351, 1992
A typology of industry—government laboratory cooperative research: implications for government laboratory policies and competitiveness
DH Coursey, BL Bozeman
Cooperative Research and Development: The Industry—University—Government …, 1989
Information credibility and choosing policy alternatives: An experimental test of cognitive-response theory
DH Coursey
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 2 (3), 315-331, 1992
Expert system technology for managerial applications: a typology
DH Coursey, RF Shangraw Jr
Public Productivity Review, 237-262, 1989
Managing Government Web Services
D Coursey, J Killingsworth
Handbook of public information systems 155, 331, 2000
E-Government: Trends, benefits, and challenges
D Coursey
The municipal yearbook 2005, 14-21, 2005
Government web portals: Management issues and the approaches of five states
JM Franzel, DH Coursey
Digital government: Principles and best practices, 63-77, 2004
Does visualization affect perceptions of ethically complex policy decisions: an experimental study
D Hahn, R Shangraw, M Keith, D Coursey
2007 40th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS …, 2007
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