Constanze Leineweber
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Job strain as a risk factor for clinical depression: systematic review and meta-analysis with additional individual participant data
IEH Madsen, ST Nyberg, LLM Hanson, JE Ferrie, K Ahola, L Alfredsson, ...
Psychological medicine 47 (8), 1342-1356, 2017
Self-rated health before and after retirement in France (GAZEL): a cohort study
H Westerlund, M Kivimäki, A Singh-Manoux, M Melchior, JE Ferrie, ...
The Lancet 374 (9705), 1889-1896, 2009
Obesity and loss of disease-free years owing to major non-communicable diseases: a multicohort study
ST Nyberg, GD Batty, J Pentti, M Virtanen, L Alfredsson, EI Fransson, ...
The lancet Public health 3 (10), e490-e497, 2018
Job strain as a risk factor for leisure-time physical inactivity: an individual-participant meta-analysis of up to 170,000 men and women: the IPD-Work Consortium
EI Fransson, K Heikkilä, ST Nyberg, M Zins, H Westerlund, P Westerholm, ...
American journal of epidemiology 176 (12), 1078-1089, 2012
Job strain as a risk factor for type 2 diabetes: a pooled analysis of 124,808 men and women
ST Nyberg, EI Fransson, K Heikkilä, K Ahola, L Alfredsson, JB Bjorner, ...
Diabetes care 37 (8), 2268-2275, 2014
Effect of retirement on major chronic conditions and fatigue: French GAZEL occupational cohort study
H Westerlund, J Vahtera, JE Ferrie, A Singh-Manoux, J Pentti, M Melchior, ...
Bmj 341, 2010
Sickness presenteeism predicts suboptimal self-rated health and sickness absence: a nationally representative study of the Swedish working population
M Taloyan, G Aronsson, C Leineweber, L Magnusson Hanson, ...
Public Library of Science 7 (9), e44721, 2012
Work–family conflict and health in Swedish working women and men: a 2-year prospective analysis (the SLOSH study)
C Leineweber, M Baltzer, LL Magnusson Hanson, H Westerlund
The European Journal of Public Health 23 (4), 710-716, 2013
Psychosocial stress and atherosclerosis: family and work stress accelerate progression of coronary disease in women. The Stockholm Female Coronary Angiography Study
HX Wang, C Leineweber, R Kirkeeide, B Svane, K Schenck‐Gustafsson, ...
Journal of internal medicine 261 (3), 245-254, 2007
Job strain in relation to body mass index: pooled analysis of 160 000 adults from 13 cohort studies
ST Nyberg, K Heikkilä, EI Fransson, L Alfredsson, D De Bacquer, ...
Journal of internal medicine 272 (1), 65-73, 2012
Job strain and tobacco smoking: an individual-participant data meta-analysis of 166 130 adults in 15 European studies
K Heikkilä, ST Nyberg, EI Fransson, L Alfredsson, D De Bacquer, ...
PloS one 7 (7), e35463, 2012
Nurses’ practice environment and satisfaction with schedule flexibility is related to intention to leave due to dissatisfaction: A multi-country, multilevel study
C Leineweber, HS Chungkham, R Lindqvist, H Westerlund, ...
International journal of nursing studies 58, 47-58, 2016
Stress and prevalence of hearing problems in the Swedish working population
D Hasson, T Theorell, MB Wallén, C Leineweber, B Canlon
BMC public health 11, 1-12, 2011
Comparison of alternative versions of the job demand-control scales in 17 European cohort studies: the IPD-Work consortium
EI Fransson, ST Nyberg, K Heikkilä, L Alfredsson, DD Bacquer, GD Batty, ...
BMC public health 12, 1-9, 2012
Job strain and the risk of stroke: an individual-participant data meta-analysis
EI Fransson, ST Nyberg, K Heikkilä, L Alfredsson, JB Bjorner, M Borritz, ...
Stroke 46 (2), 557-559, 2015
Poor sleep increases the prospective risk for recurrent events in middle-aged women with coronary disease: the Stockholm Female Coronary Risk Study
C Leineweber, G Kecklund, I Janszky, T Åkerstedt, K Orth-Gomér
Journal of psychosomatic research 54 (2), 121-127, 2003
How valid is a short measure of effort–reward imbalance at work? A replication study from Sweden
C Leineweber, N Wege, H Westerlund, T Theorell, M Wahrendorf, ...
Occupational and environmental medicine 67 (8), 526-531, 2010
Nurses' practice environment and work-family conflict in relation to burn out: a multilevel modelling approach
C Leineweber, H Westerlund, HS Chungkham, R Lindqvist, ...
PLoS One 9 (5), e96991, 2014
Sickness presenteeism among Swedish police officers
C Leineweber, H Westerlund, J Hagberg, P Svedberg, M Luokkala, ...
Journal of occupational rehabilitation 21, 17-22, 2011
Job strain and alcohol intake: a collaborative meta-analysis of individual-participant data from 140 000 men and women
K Heikkilä, ST Nyberg, EI Fransson, L Alfredsson, D De Bacquer, ...
PloS one 7 (7), e40101, 2012
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