Artikelen met mandaten voor openbare toegang - Albert FolchMeer informatie
Nergens beschikbaar: 14
Multi-isotopic study (15N, 34S, 18O, 13C) to identify processes affecting nitrate and sulfate in response to local and regional groundwater mixing in a large-scale flow system
R Puig, A Folch, A Menció, A Soler, J Mas-Pla
Applied geochemistry 32, 129-141, 2013
Mandaten: Government of Spain
Groundwater development effects on different scale hydrogeological systems using head, hydrochemical and isotopic data and implications for water resources management: The …
A Folch, A Menció, R Puig, A Soler, J Mas-Pla
Journal of hydrology 403 (1-2), 83-102, 2011
Mandaten: Government of Spain
Fungal permeable reactive barrier to remediate groundwater in an artificial aquifer
A Folch, M Vilaplana, L Amado, T Vicent, G Caminal
Journal of hazardous materials 262, 554-560, 2013
Mandaten: Government of Spain
Identifying key parameters to differentiate groundwater flow systems using multifactorial analysis
A Menció, A Folch, J Mas-Pla
Journal of Hydrology 472, 301-313, 2012
Mandaten: Government of Spain
Integrated modeling of biogeochemical reactions and associated isotope fractionations at batch scale: A tool to monitor enhanced biodenitrification applications
P Rodriguez-Escales, BM van Breukelen, G Vidal-Gavilan, A Soler, ...
Chemical Geology 365, 20-29, 2014
Mandaten: Government of Spain
Development of a stream–aquifer numerical flow model to assess river water management under water scarcity in a Mediterranean basin
J Mas-Pla, E Font, O Astui, A Menció, A Rodríguez-Florit, A Folch, D Brusi, ...
Science of the total environment 440, 204-218, 2012
Mandaten: Government of Spain
New perspectives on the use of 224Ra/228Ra and 222Rn/226Ra activity ratios in groundwater studies
M Diego-Feliu, V Rodellas, MW Saaltink, A Alorda-Kleinglass, T Goyetche, ...
Journal of Hydrology 596, 126043, 2021
Mandaten: Government of Spain
An approach to aquifer vulnerability including uncertainty in a spatial random function framework
S Armengol, X Sanchez-Vila, A Folch
Journal of Hydrology 517, 889-900, 2014
Mandaten: Government of Spain
Hydrogeological and geophysical characterization of fractured aquifer of Òdena (Barcelona, Catalunya)
M Himi, D Rodríguez-Fernández, A Folch, R Lovera, C Domènech, ...
23rd European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics 2017 (1), 1-5, 2017
Mandaten: Government of Spain
Controle estrutural e estratigráfico do fluxo das águas subterrâneas em um afloramento fóssil de um delta em leque: o caso de Sant Llorenç del Munt (NE Espanha)
M Anglés, A Folch, O Oms, E Maestro, J Mas-Pla
Hydrogeology Journal 25, 2467-2487, 2017
Mandaten: Government of Spain
Cross-hole electrical resistivity tomography characterization and monitoring of seawater interface in an alluvial aquife
J Ledo, F Bellmunt, L Luquot, D Bosch, A Marcuello, P Queralt, A Folch, ...
Near Surface Geoscience 2016-22nd European Meeting of Environmental and …, 2016
Mandaten: Government of Spain
133--Application of environmental isotopes ([[delta]. sup. 18] O,[delta] D) as tracers to determine stream water origin
A Mencio, M Galan, A Folch, J Mas-Pla
Central European Geology 56 (2-3), 217-223, 2013
Mandaten: Government of Spain
104--Using multi-isotopic approach to assess the efficacy of induced denitrification in an artificial recharge pilot pond in Sant Vicenc Dels Horts, Catalonia
A Grau-Martinez, A Folch, C Torrento, R Carrey, C Valhondo, N Otero, ...
Central European Geology 56 (2-3), 170-172, 2013
Mandaten: Government of Spain
132--Using isotopes ([[delta]. sup. 18][O. sub. NO3],[[delta]. sup. 15][N. sub. NO3],[[delta]. sup. 18] O,[delta] D) to recognize groundwater quality alterations due to pumping …
A Folch, R Puig, A Mencio, A Soler, J Mas-Pla
Central European Geology 56 (2-3), 213-218, 2013
Mandaten: Government of Spain
Ergens beschikbaar: 36
Nitrate pollution of groundwater; all right…, but nothing else?
A Menció, J Mas-Pla, N Otero, O Regàs, M Boy-Roura, R Puig, J Bach, ...
Science of the total environment 539, 241-251, 2016
Mandaten: Government of Spain
Constraining the temporal variations of Ra isotopes and Rn in the groundwater end-member: Implications for derived SGD estimates
M Cerdà-Domènech, V Rodellas, A Folch, J Garcia-Orellana
Science of the total environment 595, 849-857, 2017
Mandaten: European Commission, Government of Spain
Time-lapse cross-hole electrical resistivity tomography (CHERT) for monitoring seawater intrusion dynamics in a Mediterranean aquifer
A Palacios, JJ Ledo, N Linde, L Luquot, F Bellmunt, A Folch, A Marcuello, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 24 (4), 2121-2139, 2020
Mandaten: European Commission, Government of Spain
What are the main factors influencing the presence of faecal bacteria pollution in groundwater systems in developing countries?
N Ferrer, A Folch, G Masó, S Sanchez, X Sanchez-Vila
Journal of contaminant hydrology 228, 103556, 2020
Mandaten: Department of International Development, UK, UK Economic and Social Research …
Combining fiber optic DTS, cross-hole ERT and time-lapse induction logging to characterize and monitor a coastal aquifer
A Folch, L del Val, L Luquot, L Martínez-Pérez, F Bellmunt, H Le Lay, ...
Journal of Hydrology 588, 125050, 2020
Mandaten: European Commission, Agence Nationale de la Recherche, Government of Spain
Improving degradation of emerging organic compounds by applying chaotic advection in m anaged a quifer r echarge in randomly heterogeneous porous media
P Rodríguez‐Escales, D Fernàndez‐Garcia, J Drechsel, A Folch, ...
Water Resources Research 53 (5), 4376-4392, 2017
Mandaten: Government of Spain
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