Introduction to response to intervention: What, why, and how valid is it? D Fuchs, LS Fuchs Reading research quarterly 41 (1), 93-99, 2006 | 3012 | 2006 |
Oral reading fluency as an indicator of reading competence: A theoretical, empirical, and historical analysis LS Fuchs, D Fuchs, MK Hosp, JR Jenkins The role of fluency in reading competence, assessment, and instruction, 239-256, 2001 | 2744 | 2001 |
Responsiveness‐to‐intervention: Definitions, evidence, and implications for the learning disabilities construct D Fuchs, D Mock, PL Morgan, CL Young Learning disabilities research & practice 18 (3), 157-171, 2003 | 1944 | 2003 |
Inclusive schools movement and the radicalization of special education reform D Fuchs, LS Fuchs Exceptional children 60 (4), 294-309, 1994 | 1827 | 1994 |
Effects of systematic formative evaluation: A meta-analysis LS Fuchs, D Fuchs Exceptional children 53 (3), 199-208, 1986 | 1382 | 1986 |
Peer-assisted learning strategies: Making classrooms more responsive to diversity D Fuchs, LS Fuchs, PG Mathes, DC Simmons American Educational Research Journal 34 (1), 174-206, 1997 | 1339 | 1997 |
The prevention, identification, and cognitive determinants of math difficulty. LS Fuchs, DL Compton, D Fuchs, K Paulsen, JD Bryant, CL Hamlett Journal of educational psychology 97 (3), 493, 2005 | 1013 | 2005 |
Is there a bidirectional relationship between children's reading skills and reading motivation? PL Morgan, D Fuchs Exceptional children 73 (2), 165-183, 2007 | 951 | 2007 |
The cognitive correlates of third-grade skill in arithmetic, algorithmic computation, and arithmetic word problems. LS Fuchs, D Fuchs, DL Compton, SR Powell, PM Seethaler, AM Capizzi, ... Journal of educational psychology 98 (1), 29, 2006 | 912 | 2006 |
Using curriculum‐based measurement to improve student achievement: Review of research PM Stecker, LS Fuchs, D Fuchs Psychology in the Schools 42 (8), 795-819, 2005 | 876 | 2005 |
Formative evaluation of academic progress: How much growth can we expect? LS Fuchs, D Fuchs, CL Hamlett, L Walz, G Germann School Psychology Review 22 (1), 27-48, 1993 | 851 | 1993 |
The “blurring” of special education in a new continuum of general education placements and services D Fuchs, LS Fuchs, PM Stecker Exceptional children 76 (3), 301-323, 2010 | 813 | 2010 |
Smart RTI: A next-generation approach to multilevel prevention D Fuchs, LS Fuchs, DL Compton Exceptional children 78 (3), 263-279, 2012 | 781 | 2012 |
Treatment validity: A unifying concept for reconceptualizing the identification of learning disabilities. LS Fuchs, D Fuchs Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 1998 | 771 | 1998 |
The validity of informal reading comprehension measures LS Fuchs, D Fuchs, L Maxwell Remedial and special education 9 (2), 20-28, 1988 | 747 | 1988 |
What we need to know about responsiveness to intervention (and shouldn't be afraid to ask) D Fuchs, DD Deshler Learning Disabilities Research & Practice 22 (2), 129-136, 2007 | 725 | 2007 |
A model for implementing responsiveness to intervention LS Fuchs, D Fuchs Teaching exceptional children 39 (5), 14-20, 2007 | 688 | 2007 |
Characteristics of children who are unresponsive to early literacy intervention: A review of the literature S Al Otaiba, D Fuchs Remedial and Special education 23 (5), 300-316, 2002 | 678 | 2002 |
Selecting at-risk readers in first grade for early intervention: A two-year longitudinal study of decision rules and procedures. DL Compton, D Fuchs, LS Fuchs, JD Bryant Journal of educational psychology 98 (2), 394, 2006 | 555 | 2006 |
Responding to nonresponders: An experimental field trial of identification and intervention methods KL McMaster, D Fuchs, LS Fuchs, DL Compton Exceptional children 71 (4), 445-463, 2005 | 542 | 2005 |