Salvatore Manfreda
Salvatore Manfreda
Department of Civil, Building and Environmental Engineering, University of Naples Federico II
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On the use of unmanned aerial systems for environmental monitoring
S Manfreda, MF McCabe, PE Miller, R Lucas, V Pajuelo Madrigal, ...
Remote sensing 10 (4), 641, 2018
The olive tree: a paradigm for drought tolerance in Mediterranean climates
A Sofo, S Manfreda, M Fiorentino, B Dichio, C Xiloyannis
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 12 (1), 293-301, 2008
Current practices in UAS-based environmental monitoring
G Tmušić, S Manfreda, H Aasen, MR James, G Gonçalves, E Ben-Dor, ...
Remote Sensing 12 (6), 1001, 2020
Detection of flood-prone areas using digital elevation models
S Manfreda, M Di Leo, A Sole
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 16 (10), 781-790, 2011
Measurements and observations in the XXI century (MOXXI): Innovation and multi-disciplinarity to sense the hydrological cycle
F Tauro, J Selker, N Van De Giesen, T Abrate, R Uijlenhoet, M Porfiri, ...
Hydrological sciences journal 63 (2), 169-196, 2018
A Bayesian network for flood detection combining SAR imagery and ancillary data
A D'Addabbo, A Refice, G Pasquariello, FP Lovergine, D Capolongo, ...
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 54 (6), 3612-3625, 2016
Geomorphic classifiers for flood-prone areas delineation for data-scarce environments
C Samela, TJ Troy, S Manfreda
Advances in water resources 102, 13-28, 2017
The science behind scour at bridge foundations: A review
A Pizarro, S Manfreda, E Tubaldi
Water 12 (2), 374, 2020
Investigation on the use of geomorphic approaches for the delineation of flood prone areas
S Manfreda, F Nardi, C Samela, S Grimaldi, AC Taramasso, G Roth, ...
Journal of hydrology 517, 863-876, 2014
Dynamic response of grass cover to rainfall variability: implications for the function and persistence of savanna ecosystems
TM Scanlon, KK Caylor, S Manfreda, SA Levin, I Rodriguez-Iturbe
Advances in Water Resources 28 (3), 291-302, 2005
On the coupled geomorphological and ecohydrological organization of river basins
KK Caylor, S Manfreda, I Rodriguez-Iturbe
Advances in Water Resources 28 (1), 69-86, 2005
A GIS tool for cost-effective delineation of flood-prone areas
C Samela, R Albano, A Sole, S Manfreda
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 70, 43-52, 2018
A physically based approach for the estimation of root-zone soil moisture from surface measurements
S Manfreda, L Brocca, T Moramarco, F Melone, J Sheffield
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 18 (3), 1199-1212, 2014
DREAM: a distributed model for runoff, evapotranspiration, and antecedent soil moisture simulation
S Manfreda, M Fiorentino, V Iacobellis
Advances in Geosciences 2, 31-39, 2005
Flood-prone areas assessment using linear binary classifiers based on flood maps obtained from 1D and 2D hydraulic models
S Manfreda, C Samela, A Gioia, GG Consoli, V Iacobellis, L Giuzio, ...
Natural Hazards 79, 735-754, 2015
Predicting root zone soil moisture with soil properties and satellite near-surface moisture data across the conterminous United States
D Baldwin, S Manfreda, K Keller, EAH Smithwick
Journal of Hydrology 546, 393-404, 2017
An evaluation of image velocimetry techniques under low flow conditions and high seeding densities using unmanned aerial systems
S Pearce, R Ljubičić, S Peña-Haro, M Perks, F Tauro, A Pizarro, ...
Remote Sensing 12 (2), 232, 2020
Space‐time modeling of soil moisture: Stochastic rainfall forcing with heterogeneous vegetation
I Rodríguez‐Iturbe, V Isham, DR Cox, S Manfreda, A Porporato
Water resources research 42 (6), 2006
A digital elevation model based method for a rapid estimation of flood inundation depth
S Manfreda, C Samela
Journal of Flood Risk Management 12, e12541, 2019
DEM-based approaches for the delineation of flood-prone areas in an ungauged basin in Africa
C Samela, S Manfreda, FD Paola, M Giugni, A Sole, M Fiorentino
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 21 (2), 06015010, 2016
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