Peter Hom
Peter Hom
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A meta-analysis of antecedents and correlates of employee turnover: Update, moderator tests, and research implications for the next millennium
RW Griffeth, PW Hom, S Gaertner
Journal of management 26 (3), 463-488, 2000
Employee Turnover
PW Hom, RW Griffeth
South-Western College Publishing, Cincinnati, OH, 1995
One hundred years of employee turnover theory and research.
PW Hom, TW Lee, JD Shaw, JP Hausknecht
Journal of applied psychology 102 (3), 530, 2017
Structural equations modeling test of a turnover theory: Cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses.
PW Hom, RW Griffeth
Journal of applied psychology 76 (3), 350, 1991
A meta-analytical structural equations analysis of a model of employee turnover.
PW Hom, F Caranikas-Walker, GE Prussia, RW Griffeth
Journal of applied psychology 77 (6), 890, 1992
Toward a greater understanding of how dissatisfaction drives employee turnover
PW Hom, AJ Kinicki
Academy of Management journal 44 (5), 975-987, 2001
Reviewing employee turnover: focusing on proximal withdrawal states and an expanded criterion.
PW Hom, TR Mitchell, TW Lee, RW Griffeth
Psychological bulletin 138 (5), 831, 2012
Retaining valued employees
RW Griffeth, PW Hom
sage, 2001
SERV∗ OR: A managerial measure of organizational service-orientation
RS Lytle, PW Hom, MP Mokwa
Journal of retailing 74 (4), 455-489, 1998
The validity of Mobley's (1977) model of employee turnover
PW Hom, RW Griffeth, CL Sellaro
Organizational behavior and human performance 34 (2), 141-174, 1984
Comparative examination of three approaches to the prediction of turnover.
PW Hom, R Katerberg, CL Hulin
Journal of applied Psychology 64 (3), 280, 1979
Explaining employment relationships with social exchange and job embeddedness.
PW Hom, AS Tsui, JB Wu, TW Lee, AY Zhang, PP Fu, L Li
Journal of Applied psychology 94 (2), 277, 2009
Integrating justice constructs into the turnover process: A test of a referent cognitions model
K Aquino, RW Griffeth, DG Allen, PW Hom
Academy of management Journal 40 (5), 1208-1227, 1997
Practical retention policy for the practical manager
RP Steel, RW Griffeth, PW Hom
Academy of Management Perspectives 16 (2), 149-162, 2002
Job embeddedness: a multifoci theoretical extension.
K Kiazad, BC Holtom, PW Hom, A Newman
Journal of Applied Psychology 100 (3), 641, 2015
A comparison of structural models representing turnover cognitions
JK Sager, RW Griffeth, PW Hom
Journal of vocational behavior 53 (2), 254-273, 1998
Challenging conventional wisdom about who quits: Revelations from corporate America.
PW Hom, L Roberson, AD Ellis
Journal of Applied Psychology 93 (1), 1, 2008
Quitting the boss? The role of manager influence tactics and employee emotional engagement in voluntary turnover
CS Reina, KM Rogers, SJ Peterson, K Byron, PW Hom
Journal of leadership & organizational studies 25 (1), 5-18, 2018
On the next decade of research in voluntary employee turnover
TW Lee, PW Hom, MB Eberly, Junchao (Jason) Li, TR Mitchell
Academy of management perspectives 31 (3), 201-221, 2017
Managing employee retention and turnover with 21st century ideas
TW Lee, P Hom, M Eberly, JJ Li
Organizational dynamics 47 (2), 88-98, 2018
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